SurrealPolitiks S01E067 – Temperature

SurrealPolitiks - Realpolitik in an Unreal World
SurrealPolitiks S01E067 - Temperature

It has become something of a running joke here that nothing interesting happens on Thursday anymore. Invariably, the really interesting stuff happens prior to this show, and not my uncensored production. This being, obviously, some kind of conspiracy to put me out of business.

So, of course some lunatic had to take a shot at Donald Trump on Saturday. It could have gone no other way.

Thomas Crooks, appropriately named, took a perch on a rooftop not far from where Trump was speaking. Witnesses saw him with a rifle, and attempted to alert law enforcement, to no avail.

Trump was grazed in the ear by one of the 8 shots Crooks fired, before Secret Service counter snipers took him out with a shot to the head.

As is always the case when violence is used against the enemies of Left wingers, we have been reminded over and over again that we are not sure of the shooter’s motives. No manifesto has yet been publicly exposed, and though he has donated to Act Blue, Crooks subsequently registered to vote as a Republican.

In the immediate wake of the shooting, there was the obligatory center Right celebration of the heroism of Secret Service and law enforcement more broadly. But it did not take long for the obvious question to be raised, as to how Mr. Crooks managed to take a rifle to a perch so near to the Last Democratically Elected President of the United States. The current director of the Secret Service, is, after all, a Diversity Hire, who has made it her mission to re-staff the Presidential Body Guards with more women and non-whites. If she is willing to do something that malicious, then setting up a President to be assassinated is hardly beneath her dignity.

Laura Ingraham, while speaking to Sean Hannity, said that the Secret Service must be completely transparent about the matter, because we don’t want “conspiracy theories” messing up our politics.

Speaking of which, Joe Biden was at a nearby church at the time of the shooting. Hard to find a better alibi than that. When asked about the shooter’s motives, Joe Biden said “I don’t know nothin'” a line one imagines he has practiced in the mirror a few times.

Then came the obligatory condemnations of “all violence”. Apparently they forgot all about how they scolded people for saying “All Lives Matter” because this distracted from what they saw as the more pertinent concern, of black lives ending while resisting arrest.

The same people who cheered on riots and arson all through 2020, now tell us that there is no justification for political violence of any sort. No violence of any motivation whatsoever is ever justified, which is why they want to take those damn AR-15s away, after all.

They apparently take this so seriously, that there is concerted effort to “take down the temperature” of our political rhetoric heading into the election. The Biden campaign paused their advertisements, and Trump himself re-wrote his entire convention speech to focus on “unity”.

This should make for fine entertainment, but it is difficult to imagine any other benefit being derived. The Left is at war with the United States. No benefit can come from failing to state this. Their war propagandist media now pretends this was some unforeseeable circumstance, but they have hardly made any secret of their desire to see Trump dead.

Just before the 2017 Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, James Hodgkinson to an SKS to a baseball field in Alexandria Virginia, where he opened fire on Republican members of Congress during their baseball practice session. Hodgkinson, obviously, was a Left wing fanatic, and his motives were totally unambiguous. These were not just any Republicans he went after. His target was members of the Freedom Caucus, and if he had succeeded he might have tipped the balance of power in Washington to the Democrat Party.

Following that shooting, the Huffington Post removed an article from their website, stating that Donald Trump must be executed for his collusion with the Russian Government.

Did this act of violence cause the editors of the Huffington Post to see the error of their ways? Of course not. Did they change their behavior after it? Obviously not.

This was a cover up, and a poorly executed one. They had been trying to get Republicans killed, and when that had its entirely predictable result, they tried to hide the evidence.

But they never stopped saying that Republicans were an “existential threat to democracy”. Sure America might elect a president who abolishes elections and enslaves the nation for his own sick amusement, but they are not advocating violence, we are to believe. Their love of communism, revolution, Islamic Jihad, and setting prisoners loose evinces no design toward the obvious outcome of death and destruction. These are just warm fluffy sentiments that make them feel good to utter.

When Joe Biden launched his 2020 presidential campaign with what he knew to be a vicious lie about what happened in Charlottesville, he endorsed Antifa as a “courageous group of Americans”. He did not even state that he believed that they were attacked, because he knew that was not the case. He said that they came to confront us, and “a violent clash ensued” – conspicuously avoiding the cause of that clash entirely. Repeating the fiction that Donald Trump called Nazis very fine people, Biden sidestepped the entire question of who was responsible for the violence, and said that Trump was wrong for creating a moral equivalence between the two ideological factions.

Just recently, Joe Biden said that Donald Trump should have a “target on his back” apparently having forgotten about when Sarah Palin was blamed for the Gabby Giffords shooting because she had ads with targets over Democrats from another state.

These Left wing goons had the nerve to criticize Trump for raising his fist and mouthing the word “FIGHT!” after he was nearly shot in the head. They had the nerve to suggest that he was in this promoting violence, and of course, his surrogates, they took to the airwaves to say he meant anything but violence, that we should just continue to fight through the conventional channels of the political system.

That is, it ought go without saying, Plan A. But if Plan A is literally shot full of holes by Left wing assassins, then at some point, push shall come to shove, whether anybody likes it or not. The rules of engagement are inescapably shaped by the opponent, and if the opponent decides that murdering the President of the United States is an acceptable tactic, then we forfeit the conflict if we allow their escalation of violence to be the determining factor in apportionment of political power.

Joe Biden’s televised address, calling for Americans to “take down the temperature” of our political rhetoric, thus comes across as entirely tactical. After firing on President Trump, the Left says everybody needs to calm down. As soon as they commit a crime, they say that all crime must cease immediately, all the while accusing their opponents of committing the very crimes they commit.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, that simply will not work. Mere calls for a ceasefire will not suffice to put an end to cyclical violence, especially when that call comes from the belligerents who just carried out the most recent violence. You can’t open fire and then sue for peace. That’s not how this works. The rules of the game are, you come at the king, you best not miss, and with Trump set to enter the White House with a wounded ear, vengeance must and shall be dispensed through executive control over the intelligence apparatus.

Left wing terrorism has done quite enough damage to this country. No foreign adversary, no Islamic terror group, no mafia, no class of common criminal, has even contemplated the sort of rampant wanton destruction the Left celebrates in full view of the public through their war propagandist media. It is long overdue that this menace be eradicated from our National consciousness, and only then can we consider “lowering the temperature”.

Trump needs to issue orders to have the perpetrators of the violence in Charlottesville brought to justice. He needs to issue orders to have the perpetrators of the 2020 race riots brought to justice. He needs to issue orders that all of the co-conspirators and enablers of Thomas Crooks’ assassination attempt be brought to justice, and in this we must include everyone who had any knowledge of it whatsoever, and did not act to stop it..

Any federal agent who refuses to follow these orders, or suggests that there is no proof of these crimes we all saw, must be fired on the spot, and perhaps prosecuted himself. Every Secret Service agent who had any responsibility for the perimeter of the Trump rally where the shots were fired, needs to be treated as a criminal suspect, held without bail for the duration of the investigation, and immediately fired from their job. Every Leftist who condones the assassination attempt on President Trump, needs to be prosecuted under Advocating overthrow of Government, and sentenced to the maximum of 20 years imprisonment. Anyone who protests those charges, must be charged with the same crime.

That statute reads as follows;

Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.

Joe Biden committed this crime when he called Antifa a “courageous group of Americans” and it is by now well established that being President does not confer immunity for crimes committed while the man was not President. He made himself an accomplice to their crimes when he denied they existed, knowing full well they were acting in service to him the entire time.

Offer Joe Biden a get out of jail free card if he rats out all his friends, and since Joe Biden is a coward who would die in prison even during a short stay, he will throw them all under the bus. Have Joe Biden indicted, and make him the star witness in the trials of hundreds of Democrat operatives.

Deprive Roberta Kaplan, Mark Elias, and every other Democrat lawfare lawyer of their licenses to practice law. Put them in prison for suborning perjury. Take away all of their money, and give it to their victims.

And then, after the people responsible for the violence in this country have been so completely ruined, that no sane man would dare to consider following in their footsteps, we can talk about “lowering the temperature”.

There’s a lot more to get to, plus your calls at 217-688-1433

I’ll have much more to say about this, and plenty more, when SurrealPolitiks airs live, this and every Monday at 9:30pm US Eastern on Rumble, and on Odysee, and on the GetMeRadio app for smartphone, Roku, and FireTV.


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