How To Improve Your Activism and Community With Two Way Radios

Why do government agents use two way radios? Because they work! One of the most useful tools I’ve ever purchased, is my handheld two way radio. I had first bought a couple of them when I was living in New York and was going kind of crazy with the whole prepper thing. I quickly realized…...

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Countdown To Anarchy! Live From NYC!

Update 4:25pm EST. This has been called off. As the clock loudly ticks towards midnight, the hour is expected to bring with it a partial shutdown of the United States Federal Government. Will the people of New York grow tails and begin attacking one another? Or will they simply go about their daily lives with…...

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VIDEO: Founder Kicks Police Off Private Property

Ademo Freeman confronts a Laconia, NH Police Officer for trespassing on private property while “doing paperwork” (statist doublespeak for setting up a traffic trap). Ademo is a founder of, and currently works for Suns of Liberty Mint, a sponsor of this website…. This content is for Monthly Premium Membership and Yearly Premium Membership members...

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The Open Carry March on Washington Was, And Still Is, A Great Idea.

Has any libertarian demonstration in modern history drawn more attention to itself than Adam Kokesh’s Open Carry March on Washington? Perhaps the Ron Paul campaign, but outside of electoral politics, I’d venture to say no. Granted, if you measure the quality of the attention by a simple count of people reacting positively or negatively, the…...

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My Activism is Better Than Yours!

How many times have you heard this? It makes me grind my teeth every single time. The self righteousness of it alone annoys me, but the factual inaccuracy is what really sets me off. I hear this all the time, whether it’s about the discussion of force, use of foul language, extreme examples, or whatever…...

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What exactly makes you think they give a shit about you?

Larken Rose recently released a video entitled “How They See You”. If you don’t have 15 minutes to spare to watch the video, let me save you some time. They see you as livestock, which is why they treat you as slaves, and they’ll stop doing so, only when doing so becomes so dangerous that they…...

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VIDEO: Gun Rights Activist Eddie Free Confronts Dianne Feinstein About Gun Control after Naval Yard Shooting

A libertarian activist from Washington, DC. by the name of Eddie Free, confronted Senator Dianne Feinstein yesterday about her tendency to call for gun bans in the wake of mass shootings like the one that occurred at the Naval Yard in Washington DC recently. The Senator didn’t much care to discuss the topic, perhaps because Washington…...

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Just when, and where exactly are the time and place for peace?

This is a piece I wrote in 2012 about the Memorial Day Parade in Keene, NH. Happy Nationalist War Propaganda Day! Today, people across the country are holding parades, having barbeques, and taking the day off of work in celebration of the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, who were conned into dying for…...

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