Some Garbage Podcast EP024 – Paul Elam & Voting Cattle

Cantwell's Secret Stash Some Garbage Podcast EP024 - Paul Elam & Voting Cattle Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on February 6, 2015 | Download transcriptA Voice for Men...

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Some Garbage Podcast EP021 – #DrunkSOTU

Cantwell's Secret Stash Some Garbage Podcast EP021 - #DrunkSOTU Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on January 20, 2015 | Download transcriptWatch the 2015 State of the Union address...

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Some Garbage Podcast EP022 –

Cantwell's Secret Stash Some Garbage Podcast EP022 - Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on January 19, 2015 | Download transcriptCorynne McSherry from the Electronic Frontier Foundation will...

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Libertarianism: A Brief Introduction

Curious about libertarianism? You’re in the right place. Congratulations! If you’re reading this and you’re not already a libertarian, then you’re probably about to embark on a life changing journey of knowledge seeking. I’m honored to be the one giving you this introduction to libertarianism, so if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to…...

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Gun Owners, Take Down Your Flags

The American political paradigm is truly hysterical, and I say that as someone who grew up under it. Those who want the least from their government, and have the greatest reason to be angry with it, are the most patriotic people under it. Simultaneously, those most angry with their government, ask the most from it,…...

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Sorry Fake Libertarians, Capitalism Requires Anarchy

I just read a rather painful article in Forbes titled “Sorry Libertarian Anarchists, Capitalism Requires Government“. It was written by a contributor named Harry Binswanger, who ironically enough says he defends laissez-faire capitalism, except for, you know, those things he wants the government to do. To make matters worse, reading that article lead me to remember a…...

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The Nativity Scene, Starring Trayvon Martin as Baby Jesus

I’m all for blaspheme, but this makes me nauseous. The LA Times is reporting, that Claremont United Methodist Church in Claremont California, has constructed a nativity scene for the holidays, as many churches do. What differs from most nativity scenes, is instead of a baby Jesus, there will be a bloody gangster wannabe, slumped over in…...

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Leftists Celebrate The Death Of Mikhail Kalashnikov

Mikhail Kalashnikov, famed inventor of the AK-47 rifle is dead. We don’t yet have word on cause of death, except to say that it was of natural causes at the age of 94. The Kalashnikov is world’s most famous assault rifle. The AK came from the Russian word “avtomat” which meant automatic rifle, followed by…...

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Obamacare Gives Sick People an Economics Lesson

Some people just have to learn everything the hard way. If you are dying of cancer, and think Obamacare is good, your biggest problem is failure to understand basic math. Yes, your ignorance is a bigger problem than your terminal illness…. This content is for Monthly Premium Membership and Yearly Premium Membership members only.Join NowAlready...

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Tech Companies Demand Government Surveillance Continue

Laughable. That’s the single word that came to my mind as I read an article in the Atlantic titled “Google, Apple, and Microsoft Agree: NSA Spying Undermines Freedom”. Now, from their title, it sounds as if these companies were standing up for you, the user of their products and services. What actually transpired though, was…...

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