New York City Moves Towards Gun Confiscation

The next time a politician says “We’re not going to take your guns away”, tell him “that’s what they said in New York”. The Truth About Guns posted a notice sent to a New York City resident, demanding he turn in his rifle. The notice, which reads “Immediately surrender your rifle and/or shotgun to your local…...

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America’s Partisan Divide Just Got Much, Much Worse.

“Washington in gridlock!”, “Senate Filibuster!”, and other such phrases have plagued newspaper headlines for centuries in the United States, more so than ever in the last 5 years. A recent, and radical rule change in the Senate is about to change all that. A party line vote in the US Senate has changed a rule more…...

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Please, I’m Begging You, Forget Jesse Ventura

“Politics in America today is identical to pro wrestling, and what I mean by that is, in front of the cameras and the public we all hate each other… Yet behind the scenes we’re all friends going out to dinner together” says Jesse Ventura. If anybody should know, it’s Jesse, since he’s been a governor,…...

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If You’re Going To Believe in Politics, Get Used To Endorsing Tyrants

Rand Paul made headlines Wednesday with his endorsement of Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell’s reelection campaign. McConnell, also from Kentucky, is widely viewed as an “establishment” Republican, so the move came as a stunning blow to tea partiers, and political libertarians alike, who had hoped to mount a primary challenge against McConnell in 2014. It…...

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Stupid, or Evil?

One great division amongst libertarians is about “conspiracy theories”. I hate to use that term, because while a lot of the things people like Alex Jones talk about are complete nonsense, the term “conspiracy theory” is used to dismiss an idea without considering it, and a lot of things commonly dismissed as “conspiracy theory” are…...

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Militarism Without The Money Is Not As Cool

At least 17 mercenaries of the United States Federal Government have lost their lives in their efforts to end others, since the partial “shutdown” of the government began just over a week ago. Normally, the families of the fallen killers are given what the cult refers to as a “death gratuity”, a quick hundred grand…...

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Poverty on Purpose in Pennsylvania

Headline: Government Steals Property… But seriously, it’s even worse than usual this time. For most people, seeing a neighborhood increase its wealth is seen as a good thing, especially for the people in that neighborhood. Property owners see the value of their property increase, you see a nicer car in the driveway, goods and services…...

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A Federal Handout Even Anarchists Can Support is giving away 200 free vibrators every day, to federal employees who have been furloughed as a result of the government shutdown, and they are moving quickly. As of 12:45pm EST, the website had already given away the 200 vibrators allotted for Monday. I called PriveCo, (parent company of and spoke to Tom,…...

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As Much As I Hate To Defend Republicans…

You might want to sit down before I tell you this… But Republicans don’t actually stand for free markets. Despite what you read from leftists on twitter, hardly any of them even know who Ayn Rand is, much less read her books. I certainly don’t know any anarchists who would have voted for the PATRIOT…...

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