US House Votes Unanimously To Completely Defeat Purpose of Shutdown

“It’s really cruel to tell workers they’ll receive back pay once the government opens and then refuse to open the government,” said Senator Harry Reid on the Senate floor today. The Washington Post is reporting, that the US House has voted unanimously to give back pay to furloughed federal workers, it comes after Republican efforts…...

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Governments Don’t Shut Down, They Just Stop Putting Out

In one of the most grandiose displays of political theater in nearly 20 years, the United States Federal Government has “shut down”, purportedly over a budget battle between the red and blue teams.  Of course, that doesn’t stop them from assassinating mothers, assaulting activists, defacing their own websites, collecting taxes, paying twitter propagandists, or traveling…...

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ObamaCare Day 1: Security Breached, Sites Crash

In all the hysteria yesterday, I completely forgot to sign up for my compulsory health insurance. Good thing I’m an anarchist, or being a lawbreaker might weigh on my conscience. I also may have protected my identity. The Daily Caller is reporting that 2,400 people had their Social Security numbers, names, addresses and other personal data…...

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Too Much Information?

Last night I had a terribly brief discussion about society with some family members. Within 15 minutes I was asked about energy, environment, education, foreign policy, and economics. Of course, I had answers for their questions, but these are complicated subjects when you have to deconstruct 60 years of government propaganda from a man’s mind…....

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VIDEO: Ron Paul on Jay Leno “I Believe In Voluntarism”

Three time presidential candidate, and 12 term congressman Ron Paul, appeared on the Jay Leno show last night. He discussed, Obamacare, social security, gun control, Rand Paul, highway safety, education, and more. He once again confirmed, for all those who hadn’t been listening all the other times he said it, that he believes in voluntarism…....

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Rand Paul/Ted Cruz Fans Make Obama Supporters Look Smart

With all the deceptions the Obama administration has perpetrated against its, largely still supportive, left wing base, it is no small task to make these willing victims look intelligent. But that’s exactly what Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz have done, by duping their supporters. Rand Paul glided into office on the wings of an…...

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BREAKING: Senate Filibuster Is Just Politicians Talking

 UPDATE: 10:26am EST.   If you needed any further confirmation that this was all a show, Ted Cruz asked Harry Reid for time to “filibuster” and it was granted to him. This isn’t a filibuster, it’s not going to delay the vote by one nanosecond. This was just an up all night entertainment program for insomniac politicos…...

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“Illegal guns drive violence” Says Cop Who Wants to Make More Guns Illegal

“Illegal guns, illegal guns, illegal guns drive violence” said Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, after calling for an assault weapons ban, and apparently failing to see the irony of his statement. “A military-grade weapon on the streets of Chicago is simply unacceptable,”  McCarthy told a news conference this morning, 12 hours after a 3-year-old boy and 12…...

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VIDEO: Gun Rights Activist Eddie Free Confronts Dianne Feinstein About Gun Control after Naval Yard Shooting

A libertarian activist from Washington, DC. by the name of Eddie Free, confronted Senator Dianne Feinstein yesterday about her tendency to call for gun bans in the wake of mass shootings like the one that occurred at the Naval Yard in Washington DC recently. The Senator didn’t much care to discuss the topic, perhaps because Washington…...

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