POLL: How Long Before LibertyGossip.com Gets Ian Cioffi Blacklisted?

Ian Cioffi recently started a website called LibertyGossip.com, he says his goal is to “destroy the liberty movement with pointless gossip”. He’s actively and openly looking for dirt on libertarian activists to post on his website, and he’s apparently not too concerned with the legitimacy or verifiability of the claims.   While I can appreciate…...

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POLL: Is Computer Hacking a Violation of the Non-Aggression Principle?

You own your computer, so surely, nobody has the right to use your property without your permission, right? On the other hand, all a hacker can do (remotely, anyway) is ask your computer to provide it with information, your computer either says yes, or no. If all a hacker can do is ask your computer…...

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POLL: How Important Is Austrian Economics?

To some, Austrian economics is at the core of all libertarian theory, while for others, economics seems like a terribly complicated subject that few would care to study, much less evangelize about. What do you think?   [polldaddy poll=7473626]   Check out our other polls… This content is for Monthly Premium Membership and Yearly Premium...

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Poll: What do you think is the greatest threat to the “Liberty Movement”?

I added a new feature to the website today, polling! Because, you know, what we really need is, more voting. Today I’m asking, what you think is the greatest threat to the liberty movement. Please vote below, and I’ll write about the results in a few days… [polldaddy poll=7453815]… This content is for Monthly Premium...

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