SurrealPolitiks S01E035 – Outlaw Conservative 012

SurrealPolitiks - Realpolitik in an Unreal World
SurrealPolitiks S01E035 - Outlaw Conservative 012

Due to a series of competing concerns, I will not be able to do a live show tonight. But I would not dream of leaving you hanging. Fortunately, I have a great deal of old audio I have been meaning to re-release. Among these are the archives of what might be described as the predecessor […]

Nearly Was – Radical Agenda S06E008 – Sex and the Hate

What follows was composed over the course of February and March of 2023, intended to air as Radical Agenda Stage Six, Episode Eight. It tells the story of one Cathy Reisenwitz, who was a feminist activist inserted by hostile forces into the libertarian movement. When I first stumbled across Cathy’s OnlyFans profile, and then her…...

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Radical Agenda S06E042 – Jews Gone Wild

Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda
Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda
Radical Agenda S06E042 - Jews Gone Wild

I’m old enough to remember a TV show called “Kids Say the Darndest Things”, and while it might be best not to rank them in order, kids do say some pretty wild stuff. They might well be rivaled by Jewish adults though, who are completely out of their god damn minds. They just seem to […]

SurrealPolitiks S01E034 – Boom

SurrealPolitiks - Realpolitik in an Unreal World
SurrealPolitiks S01E034 - Boom

Given that the SurrealPolitiks audience is, comparative to their fellow citizens, so well informed and appropriately skeptical of the nonsense they are fed by less credible sources than we, it might be described as less than newsworthy for us to say that Ukraine blew up the Nordstream pipeline. What warrants mention here today, is that […]

Radical Agenda S06E041 – Tucking Slick Ricky

Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda
Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda
Radical Agenda S06E041 - Tucking Slick Ricky

It was not easy for me to get through the most recent episode of Tucker Carlson’s Twitter show. I tend to give successful media personalities a great deal of leeway. I understand, all too well, that the consequences of telling the truth without a bit of decoration, and concern for which way the wind happens […]

SurrealPolitiks S01E033 – Tranifesto

SurrealPolitiks - Realpolitik in an Unreal World
SurrealPolitiks S01E033 - Tranifesto

When a transgender mass murderer walked into a Christian school and began gunning down the young and the elderly, it did not take much imagination to discern that the maniac’s political views could charitably be described as Left of center. The announcement that a manifesto had been left behind, and the conspicuous effort to keep its […]

Radical Agenda S06E040 – Old School RA

Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda
Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda
Radical Agenda S06E040 - Old School RA

Man, I’ll tell ya. Today is one of those days. Some days I do not know what to say and others it’s tough to get it all into a two hour show. Today is a day of the latter variety.   I get contacted by a guy who pretends to be a reporter. A fellow […]

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