Radical Agenda S03E089 – Dr. David Duke

Cantwell's Secret Stash Radical Agenda S03E089 - Dr. David Duke Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on July 18, 2018 | Download transcriptThe guest for this episode requires no...

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Follow Kessler At Your Peril

As anyone familiar with me already knows, I attended last year’s Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. I came there knowing that we were being threatened by dangerous people, and was assured the entire time that we would have the full cooperation and protection of law enforcement throughout all of our activities that weekend…....

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Radical Agenda Telegram Group

Telegram is a popular instant messaging app which uses proprietary encryption. In other words, it provides a somewhat uncertain layer of security to the conversations which take place within it. In my book, the smooth and reliable functioning of the app makes it a great balance of security and convenience for casual conversation. For many […]

Mr. President, I’m Sorry

Every reporter I have talked to has tried to tie me to the President of the United States. Ordinarily, I might consider this a high honor, but today it makes me angry. The mere fact that Ivanka is married to a Jew, I thought made it quite obvious that he did not share my views…....

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How To Hit Your Girlfriend

Cantwell's Secret Stash How To Hit Your Girlfriend Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on March 5, 2017I am no longer convinced that domestic violence is always wrong. I...

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Veteran vs. Tax Collectors

Last weekend I had the pleasure of being a guest at the home of Bill Belser in Bristol, New Hampshire. The event was billed as a party, but the subject matter was anything but celebratory. Bill is about to lose his home because he fell behind on his property taxes, and this party was of…...

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Watch Me Slap This Kid

I don’t often hit people, but when I do they tend to hit the ground like a sack of bricks. That’s what happened just outside the Free Talk Live Studio this weekend after I was invited to co-host an episode of Anarchy After Dark with Ian Freeman and Johnson Rice. The regular host of that…...

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Facebook is Censoring LifeSiteNews.com

Facebook has adopted a new addition to its algorithms that “auto reports” group posts to group admins, giving them the option to allow or delete the post if Facebook deems the post “offensive”. I had reported last week that they had deemed TrigglyPuff’s OKCupid profile offensive, and while the new feature troubled me, I did…...

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An Important Message for Ted Cruz Supporters

I have an important message to Ted Cruz supporters. More specifically, the Ted Cruz supporters who did not support Ron Paul. If you were a Ron Paul guy in 2012, consider yourself excused from this particular admonishment, but if you opposed Ron Paul, and now you’re calling into talk radio talking about how Donald Trump is…...

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Facebook Considers TrigglyPuff’s Dating Profile Offensive

In Facebook’s never ending quest to cleanse the world of any and all things offensive, they have apparently started “auto-reporting” Facebook posts. A group I run on Facebook – the Radical Agenda Listeners group – has long been quite diligent about who we allow in so that we can avoid politically incorrect posts from being…...

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