Down With Democracy

Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda Down With Democracy Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on April 17, 2016As I write this, the headline at Drudge Report is about another “voterless...

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Ian Freeman Kicked out of Free State Project

In April of 2012 I moved to New Hampshire, joining hundreds of other libertarians in a political migration commonly referred to as The Free State Project. There is a corporation one might consider to be at the head of this, known as the Free State Project, herein referred to as FSP inc. Differentiating between the political…...

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Trump Hasn’t Called For Violence, But He Should.

Watching the coverage of the violence in Chicago inside and outside of a Donald Trump rally, I am reassured of a thing I’ve known for a long time. There is no hope for peace in America. It’s so obvious I almost feel stupid mentioning it. Strangely though, there are still people in this world who think…...

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Leftist Expatriation: The Trump Card

Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda Leftist Expatriation: The Trump Card Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on March 5, 2016Surprisingly, there are still libertarians and conservatives out there who seem...

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Open Borders Isn’t Libertarian, It’s Global Communism

Sadly, there still seems to be a great deal of confusion both inside and outside of libertarian circles about libertarianism’s relationship with the immigration issue. This is no mark against someone who has simply not had it explained to them, of course. The position is not entirely obvious to the casual onlooker. The persistence with which…...

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A Strategic Libertarian Case Against Non-Violent Degeneracy

Ask ten different libertarians about their political priorities, and you’re likely to get ten different answers. These might range from the quite moderate like marijuana decriminalization or a tax reduction, all the way to the more dramatic like the complete overhaul or abolition of the entire State apparatus. Ask still others, and you’ll find priorities that…...

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Maybe Liberals Should Move To Somalia

Express some opposition to a government program, or even the growth thereof, and a leftist will never be far behind to say “If you hate government so much, why don’t you move to Somalia!?!?!” This of course, comes from a profound liberal ignorance of geopolitics. They are under the mistaken impression that since the Somali government collapsed some…...

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Mark Edge Leaves Free Talk Live

Free Talk Live is a nationally syndicated broadcast radio show which airs live from Keene, New Hampshire, the city I call home. The show purports to be centered around “spreading the ideas of liberty” and so for a time I took a great deal of pride and pleasure in being a co-host of the program…...

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What Obama Should Have Said In Year End Conference

Yesterday Barack Obama held a year end press conference as presidents have traditionally done. Unsurprisingly, he used it as an opportunity to spout off about all the wonderful things he has done as omnipotent ruler of the universe, and all the power grabs he intends to try and get away with before he is removed from…...

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