Please, I’m Begging You, Forget Jesse Ventura

“Politics in America today is identical to pro wrestling, and what I mean by that is, in front of the cameras and the public we all hate each other… Yet behind the scenes we’re all friends going out to dinner together” says Jesse Ventura. If anybody should know, it’s Jesse, since he’s been a governor,…...

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Facebook: “We reviewed your post and marked it as insensitive”

Here’s a new one. I just got a notification from Facebook that is not quoted anywhere on Google or in Facebook’s help section…. This content is for Monthly Premium Membership and Yearly Premium Membership members only.Join NowAlready a member? Log in here...

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Do You Think This Post Will Get Me Banned from Facebook?

In effort to rid my audience of hypersensitive twats, I spent most of today posting insensitive jokes about race, homosexuality, pedophilia, and rape, to facebook. I’ve lost about 10 facebook friends (and gained about 20 friend requests…), but of course, some people just love me so much that they can’t unsubscribe, they would rather report…...

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Hypersensitive People Empower Ignorance

You know what I find really offensive? Statism. Statism has been the source of more misery and death than anything else in the history of mankind. Every (sizable) war, prison, or widespread institutionalized form of oppression, has originated in, or taken shape through, the State. You’re a homophobe and don’t like gay people? Well, that’s…...

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Mace Cop Hits Jackpot!

Lieutenant John Pike, the UC Davis cop who became famous after dousing Occupy protesters with pepper spray, was awarded $38,055 today for “psychological injuries” he suffered when he was exposed for his actions. The images of Pike spraying the protesters were isolated, and placed into various different scenes from the World Trade Center to the…...

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Rape is Hysterical

So, I made a rape joke the other day, comparing rape to taxation, and surprisingly enough, a bunch of people freaked out. Even more surprisingly, 280-something comments later, nobody seemed any more enlightened than before I posted it. So, let’s address the issue here. Based on this, are you actually under the impression that I…...

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Obamacare Deadline Extended, Not That I Give a Shit

The New York Times is reporting that the Obama administration said Wednesday that people who obtained health insurance by March 31 would not face any tax penalties for being uninsured in the first three months of 2014. Like millions of other people, I have absolutely no intention of complying, even if they do get their…...

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13 Year Old Boy Was 3rd Police Shooting Of The Day

Thirteen year old Andy Lopez was walking home from a friends house when he caught the attention of two Sonoma County Sheriff’s Deputies, who were riding together. What caught their attention was his toy rifle, which he carried unconcealed in his left hand as he walked down the street. Apparently upset that someone had a…...

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Lucas Jewell Discloses Testimony in Kokesh Grand Jury

As relayed to me by a third party, I have Lucas blocked on facebook… The government flew me out to DC from Florida at a total cost of just over $800 to have me talk in front of the “grand jury”… It’s very clear that the government is keeping a very close eye on social…...

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Chris Cantwell Banned From Keene Activist Center, Again…

It was brought to my attention some time ago, that my post about Gabby Giffords had once again ruffled the feathers of Keene pacifists. Today it has been brought to my attention by Garrett Ean, that I have had my “invitation revoked”. Not that big of a deal, really. I had declined to renew my…...

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