So, you’ve probably seen this video titled “Man Shot For Camping” or “Homeless man executed for camping“, if you haven’t I’ll embed it below. This has been showing up in all my social media streams, people are posting it as comments on totally unrelated threads, anything they can do to get this video seen by people…....
At least 17 mercenaries of the United States Federal Government have lost their lives in their efforts to end others, since the partial “shutdown” of the government began just over a week ago. Normally, the families of the fallen killers are given what the cult refers to as a “death gratuity”, a quick hundred grand…...
An unarmed, 34 year old dental hygienist by the name of Miriam Carey, from Stamford Connecticut, was murdered earlier today near the home of reputed mob boss Barack Obama. Dozens of bullets tore through her black two-door Infiniti, as she traveled with her toddler. Her body was so badly torn apart by the gunfire, that…...