Some Garbage Podcast EP015 – Riot at Keene State College

Cantwell's Secret Stash Some Garbage Podcast EP015 - Riot at Keene State College Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on October 19, 2014 | Download transcriptA riot broke out...

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Some Garbage Podcast EP011 – Rich Paul

Cantwell's Secret Stash Some Garbage Podcast EP011 - Rich Paul Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on July 16, 2014 | Download transcriptRich Paul co-hosts Some Garbage Podcast, live...

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Chris Cantwell Banned From Keene Activist Center, Again…

It was brought to my attention some time ago, that my post about Gabby Giffords had once again ruffled the feathers of Keene pacifists. Today it has been brought to my attention by Garrett Ean, that I have had my “invitation revoked”. Not that big of a deal, really. I had declined to renew my…...

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Event: Keenevention 2013 “Peace Roundtable”

On Sunday, November 3rd 2013, I’ll be back in Keene, New Hampshire. I will be discussing the moral and tactical implications of the use of force in the fight for liberty with Ian Freeman of Free Talk Live, and Derrick J Freeman, of Peace News Now. Keenevention your opportunity to explore New Hampshire in the fall…...

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My Activism is Better Than Yours!

How many times have you heard this? It makes me grind my teeth every single time. The self righteousness of it alone annoys me, but the factual inaccuracy is what really sets me off. I hear this all the time, whether it’s about the discussion of force, use of foul language, extreme examples, or whatever…...

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Just when, and where exactly are the time and place for peace?

This is a piece I wrote in 2012 about the Memorial Day Parade in Keene, NH. Happy Nationalist War Propaganda Day! Today, people across the country are holding parades, having barbeques, and taking the day off of work in celebration of the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, who were conned into dying for…...

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