Crime in an Anarcho-Capitalist Society

Right after they ask you “Who will build the roads?” the next thing a statist will usually ask an anarchist is “What about crime?” A valid enough question that plenty of people have difficulty answering, so I figure it time I join the long list of people who have already addressed it. I haven’t read…...

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Gun Owners, Take Down Your Flags

The American political paradigm is truly hysterical, and I say that as someone who grew up under it. Those who want the least from their government, and have the greatest reason to be angry with it, are the most patriotic people under it. Simultaneously, those most angry with their government, ask the most from it,…...

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“Left” Anarchism is Impossible

Make mention of anarcho-capitalism, and the lefties are never far behind to tell you you’re not a real anarchist. You know, because studying economics and improving one’s station in life, that’s for statists, maaaan. I suppose “left anarchist” might be a broad brush, including all sorts of incoherent ideologies. The anarcho alphabet if you will,…...

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Sorry Fake Libertarians, Capitalism Requires Anarchy

I just read a rather painful article in Forbes titled “Sorry Libertarian Anarchists, Capitalism Requires Government“. It was written by a contributor named Harry Binswanger, who ironically enough says he defends laissez-faire capitalism, except for, you know, those things he wants the government to do. To make matters worse, reading that article lead me to remember a…...

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World’s Largest Democracy Has Highest Slave Population

India, the world’s most populous democratic State, is also home to the highest population of slaves on planet Earth, according to The 2013 Global Slavery Index, published by Australia’s Walk Free Foundation. The United States ranks 134 out of a possible 162, with 162 being the least enslaved population. The report estimates that 29.8 million…...

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Event: March to Free Adam From The Man!

Adam Kokesh is a friend of mine, as those of you who have been following me for any period of time already know. He’s locked up in Washington DC for harming nobody, and I find that completely unacceptable. So I’m going to be joining Mike Salvi, James Babb, Antonio Buehler, and hundreds of other people…...

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Let’s Show These Tyrants How To Shut Down A Government.

On its face, a government shutdown sounds like good policy, if not a utopia. Government, after all, is not in the habit of doing good things. So doing less of it, tends to appeal to those who see this monster for what it is. In practice, a government shutdown as the ruling class puts it into…...

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VIDEO: Gang Members Abduct and Sexually Assault Drunk Woman

A thirty three year old convenience store clerk from Chicago, by the name of Dana Holmes was driving home from a bar last month when a vehicle emerged behind her, driving erratically and flashing it’s lights. Rather than risk a collision with the dangerous driver, she pulled her car into a parking lot. Two men…...

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