Radical Agenda EP033 – Syria w/ Scott Horton

Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda Radical Agenda EP033 - Syria w/ Scott Horton Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on September 9, 2015 | Download transcriptA civil war has been...

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And Then The Market Crashed Anyway

The Washington Post is calling it a “New day of carnage” as US markets open with the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) dropping more than 1,000 points, along with many other stocks and commodities in markets around the world. “Black Monday” is trending on twitter, referencing the phenomenon. It is the largest global sell off since the financial…...

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Sorry Fake Libertarians, Capitalism Requires Anarchy

I just read a rather painful article in Forbes titled “Sorry Libertarian Anarchists, Capitalism Requires Government“. It was written by a contributor named Harry Binswanger, who ironically enough says he defends laissez-faire capitalism, except for, you know, those things he wants the government to do. To make matters worse, reading that article lead me to remember a…...

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America’s Partisan Divide Just Got Much, Much Worse.

“Washington in gridlock!”, “Senate Filibuster!”, and other such phrases have plagued newspaper headlines for centuries in the United States, more so than ever in the last 5 years. A recent, and radical rule change in the Senate is about to change all that. A party line vote in the US Senate has changed a rule more…...

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No Matter What Lies They Tell You, You Will Never Get Your Health Plan Back

Yesterday, Bill Clinton said “I personally believe even if it takes a change in the law, the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they got,” referring to Obamacare’s false promise of people being able to keep their existing health care plans. Today, Democrats are announcing…...

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2 Days From “Default”, Fitch Warns They “Might” Lower US Credit Rating

As Republicans, Democrats, and the propaganda ministries commonly referred to as mainstream media, shout from the rooftops that the sky is indeed falling, and a default on US Sovereign debt is imminent, Fitch warns that they, might, possibly, could, maybe, consider lowering the credit rating of the US Government, just a tad, maybe, perhaps, we’ll…...

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Americans Celebrate Possibility of Government Shutdown

Fiscal crisis? Or the greatest federal holiday in the history of the republic? Unless the House of Representatives comes up with a spending bill the Senate and President can agree on, the United States Federal Government will run out of money, on Monday night at midnight, or, so we are told. As politicians and main…...

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