Nate Cox, Kim Wood Subpoenaed In Kokesh Grand Jury

Kim Wood and Nathan Cox were in DC Superior Court today, attending a pre-trial hearing for Adam Kokesh, who is under indictment in the district for weapons charges related to a video he made last July. Both of them were slapped with subpoenas by the prosecution before leaving. As you’ll see in the images below,…...

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Starving Statists Turn To Charity As Their False God Fails Them

“Who would feed the poor?” You’ll often hear statists say, in discussions with anarchists. Rather than explain the total economic conditions that would change and make food cheap and abundant, it’s usually easier to tell them that private charity would step in. Statists of course scoff at the notion, surely without the coercion of taxation,…...

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Event: March to Free Adam From The Man!

Adam Kokesh is a friend of mine, as those of you who have been following me for any period of time already know. He’s locked up in Washington DC for harming nobody, and I find that completely unacceptable. So I’m going to be joining Mike Salvi, James Babb, Antonio Buehler, and hundreds of other people…...

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VIDEO: Government THUG Assaults & Robs Female FIJA Activist

While passing out jury nullification pamphlets for Adam Kokesh, outside DC Superior Court, in Washington DC, Government thug Richard Paris assaults and robs a peaceful, female, jury rights activist by the name of Josie Wales. The interaction was captured live on Josie’s UStream channel. Make sure to subscribe, she’s a great activist with a lot…...

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