It has become quite popular to brand Ron Paul and other prominent libertarians as racists, even if they’re just pointing out facts. I suppose this means that facts are racist. I’ve been trying to think how I might make this website more popular, and increase advertising revenue. When I looked around at other popular outlets, I…...
The issue of diversity in libertarianism has reached a fevered pitch over the last 6 months. I suppose this debate has been going on in the “liberty movement” for awhile, but every so often there is a flare up, and this seems to be one of those times. I’d like to think I’m partially responsible…...
“Who would feed the poor?” You’ll often hear statists say, in discussions with anarchists. Rather than explain the total economic conditions that would change and make food cheap and abundant, it’s usually easier to tell them that private charity would step in. Statists of course scoff at the notion, surely without the coercion of taxation,…...
It has been said that society is just nine meals away from anarchy. Didn’t I feel stupid when I ate nine meals right away and still had to pay taxes. Sure enough, even after the “government shutdown” still, no anarchy. What happens though, if the people who depend on the State for their meals, can’t…...
The world may now rejoice, poverty has ended, and coercion was the cure all along. You silly anarchists with your peaceful methods, ha! If that sounds ridiculous, congrats, you’re sane. But that’s the claim being made by Tim Worstall, in Forbes today, and he actually makes some interesting points. Last week the US Census released figures on…...