Transcript: Jody Underwood Threatens To Remove Chris Cantwell from FSP Participants

Jody Underwood
Jody Underwood

On the morning of August 9th 2013, I was contacted by Ian Freeman of Free Talk Live. He told me that the “FSP Board” wanted my contact information. I thought that was really funny, because I’m facebook friends with most if not all of the FSP Board, and they know how to contact me.

I suspected it had something to do with my article titled “Concord Police, Go and Get Your Bearcat“, and sure enough, that’s exactly what it was about. I was contacted later that evening by Jody Underwood (pictured left). Below is the complete transcript of that discussion, the only edit I have made is to remove the email addresses to avoid spambots.

I will write about this in more detail after the FSP has made their decision, I’m told they will vote today on whether or not to remove me from their list of participants, and what if any effect that will have on my participation in FSP activities. 

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