Ben Stone of Bad Quaker Refuses Cantwell Debate

benstoneAfter dedicating his second Bad Quaker podcast to me personally, the show’s host, Ben Quaker has refused to engage me in a real time debate. I issued the challenge through Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and Mr. Stone’s website without any response, before asking Michael Shanklin of Peace Freedom Prosperity to arrange it on an episode of Voluntary Virtues, not dissimilar to the discussion I had with George Donnelly of Shield Mutual. Mike told me on the evening of September 9th, that Mr. Stone refused his invitation.

This is not the first time Mr. Stone and I have clashed ideologically and tactically. He attacked me and Adam Kokesh back in May over the Open Carry March on Washington event that Adam had been working on at the time, and one of the videos I made in support of it. I responded in a recording titled “Good Atheist vs. Bad Quaker“, after which, Mr. Stone blocked me on facebook without any response.

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