Some Garbage Podcast EP035 - Fight or Flight

Some Garbage Podcast EP035 – Fight or Flight

What is a libertarian to do in this world of statism? We often talk about how to solve the problem, but perhaps we should just resign ourselves to the certainty of our ultimate demise, and do our best to stay comfortable. Perhaps braving New Hampshire winters in hopes of fighting the evil empire and bringing down the most powerful government in the history of mankind, is not all it’s cracked up to be. Perhaps one would be better off living out one’s days on a pristine beach surrounded by beautiful women, in a place where the government has all but collapsed already.

Some Garbage Podcast EP035 - Fight or Flight
Some Garbage Podcast EP035 – Fight or Flight

The latter approach is the pitch by Jeff Berwick of The Dollar Vigilante, and he’ll be joining me via Skype for this episode. He has stationed himself in Acapulco, Mexico and is encouraging other libertarians to join him there. The enforcement arm of the government there has basically quit, and unsurprisingly, the quality of life there is improving. Not entirely dissimilar to what we recently saw in New York City.

Jeff went so far as to host a conference there, which he called Anarchapulco. My colleagues Mark and Ian from Free Talk Live attended, and spoke highly of their experience there.

Other libertarian media personalities like Luke Rudkowski, and Angel Clark, have already made the move, and seem to be quite happy there.

Am I just out of my fucking mind for staying here in the US? The weather, the cost of living, the utter lack of a feminist movement, the near total collapse of the State apparatus… Why am I begging for scraps and struggling to pay my bills, just to bark at some legislator about gambling regulations?

Well, it’s not entirely that simple.

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