Black Lives Matter Runs Left of Bernie Sanders

Black Lives Matter Runs Left of Bernie Sanders

It’s not easy to find yourself left of a self described socialist from Vermont, who has called for tax rates in excess of 90%. But if you thought Black Lives Matter rioters were into doing things the easy way, you’re a racist for calling black people lazy. In fact, if you’re white, even if you said “Black Americans are the most magnanimous people to ever live“, you’re probably still a racist. Skin color is the modern equivalent of an argument, apparently.

Black Lives Matter Runs Left of Bernie Sanders
Black Lives Matter Runs Left of Bernie Sanders

In an extraordinary demonstration of ignorance, malice, and reckless impulsiveness, Black Lives Matter demonstrators, for the second time, interrupted a Bernie Sanders event. Marissa Janae Johnson, who identified herself as a leader of the Black Lives Matter chapter in Seattle took over the stage, and the microphone, with other BLM members while Bernie Sanders was giving the final speech at the event. They demanded a moment of silence for the anniversary of Michael Brown’s death. Brown, you may recall, was a strong armed robber who was gunned down after trying to grab a cop’s gun.

This didn’t pan out so well, the audience booed and hissed throughout the “moment of silence”, but that didn’t deter the tone deaf black supremacists from their cause. Johnson then asked the crowd “join us now in holding Bernie Sanders accountable for his actions” such as not doing enough to address police brutality and other issues on the group’s agenda.

Now, this might be a fine criticism if the agitators were not ignorant left wing fanatics. If you wanted to stop police brutality, for example, it would stand to reason that massively expanding the powers of government and creating a top down command economy for 320 million diverse individuals would be a step in the wrong direction. If you wanted to help black people out of poverty, it would stand to reason that increasing the welfare State and making more of them dependent on government would have the opposite effect. Were the demonstrators complaining about Sanders’s expansions of government, this would thus be quite reasonable. But that wasn’t their gripe. Raising taxes, increasing the funding of their statist oppressors, breeding rampant dependency, and destroying economic opportunity is just perfectly fine with the BLM fanatics. Their problem with Sanders is apparently that he hasn’t centered his entire presidential campaign on licking the boots of 13% of the population.

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