Update on Legal Threats from "Destiny" Price

Update on Legal Threats from Destiny Price

This morning I woke up to some legal threats from a mentally ill man who thinks he is a woman. His name is David Price, but he has been going by the name of Destiny Price.

Update on Legal Threats from "Destiny" Price
Update on Legal Threats from “Destiny” Price

If you haven’t already read it, you should probably get the back story from my previous post titled “AUDIO: Angry Tranny’s Legal Threats“, and if you read it early on, you might want to go back because it has been updated a few times, including of video of me talking to police about the matter.

From that video Mr. Price’s last name was revealed. We found his YouTube channel, his Twitter Feed, and his Facebook profile. And oh boy, Mr. Price has some very serious issues. I’m very concerned that he may resort to some kind of murder suicide to get revenge on society for not accepting his mental illness. So I sent this email off to Corporal Gymer at the Aiken, South Carolina Department of Safety, in the hopes he can stop Mr. Price from harming anyone else when he inevitably ends his worthless existence.

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