Radical Agenda EP043 - Karen Straughan

Radical Agenda EP043 – Karen Straughan

Karen Straughan is a blogger and YouTube creator who has garnered an online reputation as the “gateway drug” to anti-feminism. She has a knack for unearthing little-known bits of history, and esoteric social science research the establishment doesn’t want you to see, and explaining in concrete terms exactly why the west should rethink its love affair with feminism.

Radical Agenda EP043 - Karen Straughan
Radical Agenda EP043 – Karen Straughan

Her work is currently incorporated into classrooms in the US, the UK and Canada. She’s been interviewed by Global Media, CTV, CBC, Sun News, the Young Turks, the BBC, Mcleans Magazine, Marie Claire, Mother Jones, the New Republic, Tom Leykis, and FreeTalkLive. She’s spoken at the Libertarian Party conventions of New York and Wisconsin, and was a speaker at the 2014 Liberty Forum in NH, where she also debated noted feminist Naomi Wolf.

At least half of the above organizations believe she is the devil, so I figure she’ll fit in quite well on Radical Agenda.

Plus, your calls at 218-936-0815 or Radical Agenda on Skype.

Join us this and every Thursday (and Tuesday) from 5-7pm Eastern for another exciting episode of the Radical Agenda. It’s a show about common sense extremism where we talk about radical crazy off the wall things like, recognizing basic human rights for the male gender.

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