I have an important message to Ted Cruz supporters.
More specifically, the Ted Cruz supporters who did not support Ron Paul. If you were a Ron Paul guy in 2012, consider yourself excused from this particular admonishment, but if you opposed Ron Paul, and now you’re calling into talk radio talking about how Donald Trump is not a “constitutional conservative” then do us all a favor and end your miserable fucking life. I don’t care if you do it with a rope. I don’t care if you do it with a gun. Just don’t waste my time with any of these plea for attention took too many pills things or the cliche horizontal wrist slitting like you’ve never heard the correct way to do this. Do it right the first time or by all means vote Democrat. I’m sick of having you incoherent retards in my primaries.
![An Important Message for Ted Cruz Supporters](https://christophercantwell.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2016/05/An-Important-Message-for-Ted-Cruz-Supporters-300x156.jpg)
I don’t want to hear another word about Ted Cruz’s constitutional credentials. If Ted Cruz gave a fucking shit about the constitution, he would not have been running around touting the USA Freedom act as some kind of win for liberty. In case you’re not familiar with that, it took the old federal surveillance model where the federal government disastrously tried to store all the communications records of everyone in America, and it essentially half privatized it. Instead of the federal government building these massive datacenters and getting their water supply cut off by the state of Utah etc… They just forced the communications carriers to store your records and give them to the federal government upon demand. Ted Cruz, voted for this, and in a manner that would make George Orwell frightened, he went around simultaneously calling it a victory for privacy, and saying it expanded the surveillance apparatus of the federal government. Sorry there Teddy, you can’t have it both ways, and last I checked there was nothing in article 1 section 8 about compelling Verizon to spy on me for the federal government.