Radical Agenda S06E010 - Bon Voyage, Bongino

Tonight at 9:30pm Eastern on Radical Agenda S06E010 – Bon Voyage, Bongino

There’s plenty to talk about today, but several stories in the news, about the news itself, have my interest at the moment. Dan Bongino has parted ways with Fox News. Fox News settled a defamation suit with Dominion voting machines. Buzzfeed news has ceased to exist. Vice World News could be next on the chopping block.

It might go without saying that we’ll have to get into the story of the Charlottesville indictments on my uncensored production, having touched on it during SurrealPolitiks and the associated members only features. But now I’ve said it anyway, and so you’ll surely want to tune in for that, but one of the things I’ve found most remarkable about those indictments is the seeming disinterest of the media in the story. Sure we’ve had a few left wing drive bys. Notably, the Washington Post and the usual suspects. And, admittedly, I haven’t been glued to the news as much as I used to be, which is probably a subject I should address at greater depth at some point, now that I think about it… But, overall, this does not appear to be a big deal to anyone but those highly invested in the event.

Which brings us to the departure of Mr. Bongino from the Fox News Channel, which was, in my view, inevitable if not long overdue.

Dan’s show “Unfiltered” caused me to do some reflection on my own media career. It was this really cringe inducing attempt top appear “edgy” while remaining within the boundaries of good taste as defined by people who have none of their own. This routinely took the form of calling Democrats stupid and and making immature jokes about their various inadequacies, followed by self congratulatory remarks about how he was bold enough to go there…

But Mr. Bongino is not so bold as he would have his audience believe, of course. Much like his various investments in “free speech” online platforms which specifically prohibit anything they deem racist or anti-Semitic – which, as an aside, they conspicuously seem to view as two different things as if to deny that Jews are a race distinct from Whites –  Unfiltered always stayed within the accepted boundaries of mainstream political discourse.

This might be one thing if Mr. Bongino were hewing to those boundaries as a means by which to wield the promotional power of the Fox News Channel, and then taking his radio listeners closer to the forbidden truths of our time. But this, Mr. Bongino did not do.

Like many Fox News viewers, I’ve been familiar with Dan for many years. Most notably, as a frequent guest on Sean Hannity, best known for treating Geraldo Rivera as a punching bag. In a 3 minute segment before a hard out for commercial, this is occasionally amusing, but just about the time I was shipped from jail to prison, Mr. Bongino tried to outdo Brian Kilmeade in terms of sheer number of hours in front of a microphone.

While I was at the Corrections Corporation of America facility in Tallahatchie, Mississippi, I was first exposed to Mr. Bongino’s podcast, which aired for one hour each weeknight on Supertalk 96.9 WTCD. It was during this time that he announced he would be moving into Rush Limbaugh’s noon to three slot on broadcast radio, and began snatching up EIB Network affiliates just as quick has he could.

Limbaugh had been dead for several months by this point, and I was furious that el Rushbo had not hand picked his own successor. It had become clear to me that a contest had begun in conservative media to claim the prize, and with little to do at this time but listen to the radio, I was a close observer of this phenomenon.

The result has been nothing short of tragic, in my view. Beyond the loss of Limbaugh the man, his platform had become a unique force in politics. From one microphone, “millions and millions and millions” of ears were reached each weekday. In the wake of his death, scavengers picked at the carcass, dragging bits and pieces away to be devoured among packs of lesser animals.

I’ve got a lot more to say on this, and other subjects. I look forward to hearing from you as well.

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