Chris Cantwell on The David Duke Show 20181016

I had the pleasure of speaking to Dr. David Duke today, on his show on the Rense Radio Network. We discussed Elizabeth Warren’s deep Cherokee roots, discrimination against Whites in Ivy League universities, Saudi involvement in the 9/11 terror attacks, and other fun and interesting topics which I’m sure you’ll enjoy. Dr. Duke will be…...

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For The Second Year In A Row, LFNYC Cancels Cantwell

LibertyFest NYC is an event marketed to libertarians which takes place yearly in New York City since 2010. Like many such events, it started off oriented toward advancing a cause, and then rapidly descended into little more than an effort to sell overpriced drinks to people who were dumb enough to buy tickets. Aside from the…...

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Some Garbage Podcast EP016 – On Tour w/ Ademo?

Cantwell's Secret Stash Some Garbage Podcast EP016 - On Tour w/ Ademo? Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on November 8, 2014 | Download founder Ademo Freeman cohosts...

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Creating Culture on Peace News Now

Last night I had the pleasure of joining Derrick J. Freeman on his show, Peace News Now. I sort of guest hosted for the first hour of the show, having the opportunity to speak with Ian Freeman of Free Talk Live, Tatiana Moroz, and Chase Rachels of the Blue Ridge Liberty Project…. This content is...

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Event: Keenevention 2013 “Peace Roundtable”

On Sunday, November 3rd 2013, I’ll be back in Keene, New Hampshire. I will be discussing the moral and tactical implications of the use of force in the fight for liberty with Ian Freeman of Free Talk Live, and Derrick J Freeman, of Peace News Now. Keenevention your opportunity to explore New Hampshire in the fall…...

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Event: March to Free Adam From The Man!

Adam Kokesh is a friend of mine, as those of you who have been following me for any period of time already know. He’s locked up in Washington DC for harming nobody, and I find that completely unacceptable. So I’m going to be joining Mike Salvi, James Babb, Antonio Buehler, and hundreds of other people…...

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Stefan Molyneux Wants To Debate… Somebody…

Earlier this month, after being expelled from the Free State Project for writings they claimed “exceeded the limits of defensive force”, I challenged Stefan Molyneux to stand for the FSP in a debate on the use of force. After all, if what I said was so violent and dangerous, surely the best way to deal…...

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Countdown To Anarchy! Live From NYC!

Update 4:25pm EST. This has been called off. As the clock loudly ticks towards midnight, the hour is expected to bring with it a partial shutdown of the United States Federal Government. Will the people of New York grow tails and begin attacking one another? Or will they simply go about their daily lives with…...

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