Why You Should Join Twitter

For the longest time, I didn’t “get” twitter. I used to say it was just facebook for people who can’t think past 140 characters. The concept of “followers” instead of “friends” didn’t jive with my experience from facebook and the good ole days of MySpace, and when I did join, and I did get followers,…...

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Just when, and where exactly are the time and place for peace?

This is a piece I wrote in 2012 about the Memorial Day Parade in Keene, NH. Happy Nationalist War Propaganda Day! Today, people across the country are holding parades, having barbeques, and taking the day off of work in celebration of the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, who were conned into dying for…...

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Stacy Litz, The Liberty Snitch

Meet Stacy Litz, https://www.facebook.com/stacylitz Stacy was a member of Students for Liberty, the Drexel Student Liberty Front, Center for a Stateless Society, and presumably numerous other activist outlets. She has been to Porcfest. Lot’s of people know and (used to) trust her, as a well liked member of the liberty community. I should say ahead…...

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