My Path to Radical Celebritarianism

This post took a few turns since I first started it. As some of you may be aware, I’m working on a book, and this website is part of that project. I’m basically sharing my notes with all of you as I write them, and at some point these notes will be weaved into a…...

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Switching To Linux; How To Dual Boot

Yesterday I discussed why you might consider switching to Linux. Today, let’s get started. Most of us will still require Windows from time to time, especially when we’re first getting started. Unless you’ve got lots of computers laying around, that’s almost always going to require a dual boot system. My system dual boots, and in…...

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Switching To Linux: Why You Should Consider It

I switched my home desktop computer to Linux less than a week ago, and so far, I’m very happy with it. I’m planning to do a series of articles and videos about my switch, to make the conversion easier for you. For this article, I’m just going to go over some of the concepts and…...

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Anarchist Android App Audit: Security

Imagine a world where millions of people put their entire lives onto a hand held electronic device. A device that was constantly connected to a vast global computer network infested with government agents and other criminals, doing absolutely nothing to protect their data. It shouldn’t be too hard to imagine, because you live in that…...

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How To Gain Admin Access in Windows

Whether you lost your password, had a mischievous significant other change it on you, or just want to gain access to the computer that controls the prison gates, there comes a time in everyone’s life, when they need more access to the computer than they have at the moment.   So I was glad when…...

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How To Encrypt Your Email & Other Communications

Across the globe, over 2 billion people are sending over 144 billion emails a day, and nearly every single one of those messages can easily be intercepted by someone other than the recipient. Even without the NSA spying on us, the insecurity of the protocol that makes up for so much human communication today, should…...

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How To Make Your Files NSA Proof

The good news is, you know how to hide on the internet. The bad news is, you’re going to fuck this up at some point, and the NSA is definitely going to break into your house and take your computer, just like they did to Dread Pirate Roberts. So it’s very important that your files…...

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How To Improve Your Activism and Community With Two Way Radios

Why do government agents use two way radios? Because they work! One of the most useful tools I’ve ever purchased, is my handheld two way radio. I had first bought a couple of them when I was living in New York and was going kind of crazy with the whole prepper thing. I quickly realized…...

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How To Download Files Using BitTorrent

Now that we’ve established that intellectual property laws are complete nonsense, let’s start breaking them. BitTorrent is a peer to peer file sharing protocol that has proven to be pretty much unstoppable. Unlike previous file sharing systems like Limewire and Napster, there’s no central authority  for governments to shut down BitTorrent transfers. Repeated efforts to…...

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How To Hide on the Internet Part 1

With all the news about the NSA spying on us, it almost seems negligent that I haven’t written this article yet. Understanding how you are tracked, and how to prevent it from happening are very important bits of information that precious few of us have a proper understanding of. As governments grow and become more…...

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