Mr. President, I’m Sorry

Every reporter I have talked to has tried to tie me to the President of the United States. Ordinarily, I might consider this a high honor, but today it makes me angry. The mere fact that Ivanka is married to a Jew, I thought made it quite obvious that he did not share my views…....

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Veteran vs. Tax Collectors

Last weekend I had the pleasure of being a guest at the home of Bill Belser in Bristol, New Hampshire. The event was billed as a party, but the subject matter was anything but celebratory. Bill is about to lose his home because he fell behind on his property taxes, and this party was of…...

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Personal Influences on my Pro-Life Bias

Despite writing about it some time ago, it comes as a shock to many that I’m a pro-life atheist and anarchist. I’ve been on quite the run on the subject lately as the result of videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, showing Planned Parenthood executives selling baby parts. The reaction has been a…...

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Voting Against Economics is Like Praying Against Cancer

I remember I had an aunt once who was very sick with cancer. She had already been through one round of chemotherapy, during which the cancer had continued to spread, and so the doctors had recommended a more aggressive treatment which would have had harsher side effects. They assured my aunt that were she not…...

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My Path to Radical Celebritarianism

This post took a few turns since I first started it. As some of you may be aware, I’m working on a book, and this website is part of that project. I’m basically sharing my notes with all of you as I write them, and at some point these notes will be weaved into a…...

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