My Path to Radical Celebritarianism

My Path to Radical Celebritarianism

My Path to Radical Celebritarianism
My Path to Radical Celebritarianism

This post took a few turns since I first started it. As some of you may be aware, I’m working on a book, and this website is part of that project. I’m basically sharing my notes with all of you as I write them, and at some point these notes will be weaved into a cohesive story line. I wanted to include in that book, the story of how I became a libertarian.

That story however, begins at birth, as the world around us influences our perceptions of things, and is still ongoing with me, as it should be with all of us. I’m constantly learning and developing in perpetual effort to be a better libertarian, and I hope you are too. Trying to find a point at which to begin, much less end, a “how I became a libertarian” story is thus rather difficult, and with my word count for this post already in excess of 7000, I’m still not quite sure where to end it.

During the course of writing that story, I coined the term “Radical Celebritarianism” and thus we have our title. I’m defining this term as the building of one’s public profile to the point where a message has significant potential to go viral, and then exploiting it to accomplish cultural shifts inside and outside the greater libertarian movement.

Where to Begin?

I never was too big a fan of government. Prior to 9/11, all I really knew about it was that police wanted to take my weed, and that working off the books netted more money in my pocket than working on the books.

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