How Many People Have To Die Before The Abolition of Public Education?

Another school shooting… The frequency of these events alone calls their newsworthiness into question. If I’m honest with you, I’m rather surprised at how rare they are. I tend to think that when you force millions of children to spend 8 hours a day in prisons, and tell them that this will continue into early adulthood, whether…...

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Anarchist Android App Audit: Security

Imagine a world where millions of people put their entire lives onto a hand held electronic device. A device that was constantly connected to a vast global computer network infested with government agents and other criminals, doing absolutely nothing to protect their data. It shouldn’t be too hard to imagine, because you live in that…...

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The IRS Screws Everybody, Even Its Informants

“I was treated as if I was the worst criminal,” said Astrid Hurtado of her time in a Colombian prison, where she was sentenced to 7 and 1/2 years for money laundering charges. A fate that was most unexpected, considering the fact that she was only laundering money, because the IRS paid her upwards of…...

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Federal Reserve Will Punish America For Shutdown

The Federal Reserve will push back tapering off of its open ended $85 Billion/month bond buying program until its meeting in March, said economists polled by Bloomberg. The program, which some have referred to as QE4Ever, was predicted to begin slowing down in September, but continued full speed ahead, despite all predictions, as the dollar…...

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If You’re Going To Believe in Politics, Get Used To Endorsing Tyrants

Rand Paul made headlines Wednesday with his endorsement of Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell’s reelection campaign. McConnell, also from Kentucky, is widely viewed as an “establishment” Republican, so the move came as a stunning blow to tea partiers, and political libertarians alike, who had hoped to mount a primary challenge against McConnell in 2014. It…...

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How To Go Shoplifting With Your Dead Fetus

Having a miscarriage can be a traumatizing experience for a woman, and sometimes, the best way to deal with it, is to put your dead baby in a bag, and cover it with stolen lingerie. It sounds ridiculous, I know, but that’s exactly what Tiona Rodriguez did, according to a report by the New York…...

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Walmart Is Promoting Violence

At 30 years old, Kristopher Oswald has never been in a fight as an adult. He weighs 140 lbs, wears glasses, and describes himself as a “huge nerd” who spends much of his time in a comic shop. If you were being assaulted in a parking lot, there’s probably a very long list of people…...

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What Happens on the Flight to Vegas, Stays In Federal Court

Tens of thousands of people are arrested each year in Las Vegas, but some people just can’t wait. If you’ve ever considered joining the mile high club, but thought the bathroom to be cramped and, less than unromantic, you might consider just getting it on in your seat, in front of all the other passengers,…...

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Interview: Nashua Man Fired For Surviving Knife Attack

I had the pleasure of speaking to Shannon “Bear” Cothran this afternoon. For the last 10 years, Mr. Cothran was employed at the Shell gas station at 301 Main Street in Nashua, New Hampshire. That changed Monday morning, after a masked man came into the store wielding a knife at approximately 3:00am. The aggressor attempted to come…...

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Nate Cox, Kim Wood Subpoenaed In Kokesh Grand Jury

Kim Wood and Nathan Cox were in DC Superior Court today, attending a pre-trial hearing for Adam Kokesh, who is under indictment in the district for weapons charges related to a video he made last July. Both of them were slapped with subpoenas by the prosecution before leaving. As you’ll see in the images below,…...

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