Radical Agenda EP031 – Fire Drill

Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda Radical Agenda EP031 - Fire Drill Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on September 3, 2015 | Download transcriptLacking foreknowledge of what will be in...

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Police Cruiser Catches Fire In Shootout

Police in Millis Massachusetts are ordering people to “shelter in place” (a nice way of saying people are confined to their homes) after a police officer found himself in a shootout while driving on Forest road, reports the Milford Daily News. Millis Police Sgt. William Dwyer said at a 5 p.m. press briefing that a man driving…...

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Who Declared War on Who?

Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson had strong words in support of law enforcement yesterday, in the wake of Sheriff’s Deputy Darren Goforth being gunned down execution style while pumping gas. One day later, a 30-year-old man, identified as Shannon J. Miles, was charged with capital murder in the death of Goforth, a 10-year veteran of the…...

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Who Protects Who?

You might have heard that police have no duty to protect you. It might come as a surprise though, that the laws says you have a legal duty to protect them. A story out of Huntsville Alabama came across my path this morning about an officer who was attempting to subdue a suspect in a hit…...

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The Fall of Law Enforcement

I have mixed feelings about what I’m going to say to you in the following paragraphs. Something is happening which I’ve long cheered for, but it is happening for the wrong reasons, and I fear the outcome. Then again, I never imagined this would happen cleanly or without some amount of fear, so from that…...

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Cop Commits Suicide After Ashley Madison Exposure

The infamous cheaters website, Ashley Madison has a slogan. “Life is short, have an affair.” Apparently life wasn’t short enough for a San Antonio cop who was allegedly a member of the site. Captain Michael Gorhum, who had worked for the San Antonio Police Department, died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound last Thursday. His was…...

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Imprisoning Privilege: Jeffrey Tucker Goes To Jail

Jail. Not a fun place to find oneself. I’ve been there a few times, not pretty. I spent months in the cages of the Empire State, getting into violent altercations with gang members over things as stupid as tuna fish, salt, and the crime of my white skin. So while I despise the State and all its works,…...

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Mother Avenges DCF Kidnapping

On July 10th 2015, Jody Herring’s 9-year-old daughter was taken from her by Vermont’s Department of Children and Families. It starts off a common enough story, with few details made public. Whether your particular authoritarian regime calls it DCF, or Child Protective Services, or some other Orwellian misdirection, governments throughout the world run these child trafficking schemes…...

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Every Police Stop is a Death Threat

There appears to be some confusion in the world about the nature of police work. Almost nobody doubts the necessity of police officers roaming the cities in which they “work,” seeking out anyone who would dare defy the edicts of their political masters. Very few would say, that roads should be privatized and controlled as the…...

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Chatting & Chalking with Keene Police

Yesterday was “Chalk The Police Day” an event put on by my friends at CopBlock.org. Activists from around the country went out to write and draw various messages relating to police accountability with chalk. The event dates back to 2011, where the “Chalking 8” were arrested in Manchester, New Hampshire on graffiti and criminal mischief charges…....

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