Event: Keenevention 2013 “Peace Roundtable”

On Sunday, November 3rd 2013, I’ll be back in Keene, New Hampshire. I will be discussing the moral and tactical implications of the use of force in the fight for liberty with Ian Freeman of Free Talk Live, and Derrick J Freeman, of Peace News Now. Keenevention your opportunity to explore New Hampshire in the fall…...

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Event: March to Free Adam From The Man!

Adam Kokesh is a friend of mine, as those of you who have been following me for any period of time already know. He’s locked up in Washington DC for harming nobody, and I find that completely unacceptable. So I’m going to be joining Mike Salvi, James Babb, Antonio Buehler, and hundreds of other people…...

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Stupid, or Evil?

One great division amongst libertarians is about “conspiracy theories”. I hate to use that term, because while a lot of the things people like Alex Jones talk about are complete nonsense, the term “conspiracy theory” is used to dismiss an idea without considering it, and a lot of things commonly dismissed as “conspiracy theory” are…...

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Minimum Wage: Countering Leftist Propaganda

#RaiseTheWage was trending on Twitter today, and there is just too much fail in these trends to respond in 140 characters. So I decided to grab some of the images and respond to them more thoroughly here, because minimum wage is one of those things that really displays the idiocy of central economic planning better…...

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Libya Perfectly Displays Absurdity of Statism

Besides perhaps Kim Jong Il, I’m not sure there ever was a dictator as obnoxious as Muammar Gaddafi. He took power in a Coup d’état, funded “revolutionary” groups all over the world, but of course, murdered anyone who dared to challenge his own power.  That of course is in addition to the ridiculous clothes, and the long…...

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One More Reason To Quit the Military

It’s one thing to order people to kill strangers, it’s one thing to drag them into a desert wasteland for 12 years, it’s one thing to make their living conditions so terrible that more of them will be killed by self inflicted gunshot wounds than wounds inflicted by the enemy. It’s another thing to tell…...

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Militarism Without The Money Is Not As Cool

At least 17 mercenaries of the United States Federal Government have lost their lives in their efforts to end others, since the partial “shutdown” of the government began just over a week ago. Normally, the families of the fallen killers are given what the cult refers to as a “death gratuity”, a quick hundred grand…...

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VIDEO+DOCS: Legal CCW Holder Arrested on Private Property

Edward Yealy, aka Edd Skitz, aka Open Carry Edd was harassed, detained, and arrested on private property, in Philadelphia, PA on Tuesday morning. The incident began when an officer approached him about his handgun, a Glock 30, which he carries openly. Edd has a permit to carry in PA, and while that permit is valid…...

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When Should You Hire A Hitman?

Since the seizure of Silk Road, and the arrest of Ross Ulbricht, the alleged mastermind of the online drug market, aka  Dread Pirate Roberts, the United States Federal Government has alleged that he took part in at least two murder for hire plots. Both of the alleged plots, involved a government agent pretending to be…...

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When It Comes To Discrimination, Facebook Doesn’t Discriminate

I’ve got bad news for black racists and female sexists, you’re no longer safe. Once upon a time, it was only straight white men who had to be concerned about what they said about other groups, but it would seem that we are now part of this protected class that you may no longer talk…...

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