Poverty on Purpose in Pennsylvania

Headline: Government Steals Property… But seriously, it’s even worse than usual this time. For most people, seeing a neighborhood increase its wealth is seen as a good thing, especially for the people in that neighborhood. Property owners see the value of their property increase, you see a nicer car in the driveway, goods and services…...

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A Federal Handout Even Anarchists Can Support

Vibrators.com is giving away 200 free vibrators every day, to federal employees who have been furloughed as a result of the government shutdown, and they are moving quickly. As of 12:45pm EST, the website had already given away the 200 vibrators allotted for Monday. I called PriveCo, (parent company of Vibrators.com) and spoke to Tom,…...

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As Much As I Hate To Defend Republicans…

You might want to sit down before I tell you this… But Republicans don’t actually stand for free markets. Despite what you read from leftists on twitter, hardly any of them even know who Ayn Rand is, much less read her books. I certainly don’t know any anarchists who would have voted for the PATRIOT…...

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Redistribute The Government Shutdown!

As previously reported, due to the government shutdown, national parks and monuments have been coned off, not so much as a money saving maneuver, but rather as a temper tantrum by government agents. Well, I got put onto this by my facebook friend Adam Brisebois, a national “Move the Cones” protest. The idea is simple…...

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Post 9/11 Airport Security No Match for 9 Year Old Boy

The United States Federal Government assures us that it’s absolutely necessary for TSA agents to molest us and spray us with potentially harmful radiation at the airports. After all, we don’t want another 9/11, of course, so they have to search us thoroughly, to make sure we don’t bring small, but potentially dangerous items on…...

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Poll: What do you think is the greatest threat to the “Liberty Movement”?

I added a new feature to the website today, polling! Because, you know, what we really need is, more voting. Today I’m asking, what you think is the greatest threat to the liberty movement. Please vote below, and I’ll write about the results in a few days… [polldaddy poll=7453815]… This content is for Monthly Premium...

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Freedom is about Freedom, Not Your Other Bullshit.

Yesterday I got into it with a guy over whether or not pot cures cancer… Today it’s about political correctness… Other days it’s about religion… Conspiracy theories, GMO foods, drug use, misogyny, sexual conduct, the list goes on, everybody has a pet fuckin issue. None of it has any more to do with “the liberty movement”…...

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Let’s Show These Tyrants How To Shut Down A Government.

On its face, a government shutdown sounds like good policy, if not a utopia. Government, after all, is not in the habit of doing good things. So doing less of it, tends to appeal to those who see this monster for what it is. In practice, a government shutdown as the ruling class puts it into…...

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