US House Votes Unanimously To Completely Defeat Purpose of Shutdown

“It’s really cruel to tell workers they’ll receive back pay once the government opens and then refuse to open the government,” said Senator Harry Reid on the Senate floor today. The Washington Post is reporting, that the US House has voted unanimously to give back pay to furloughed federal workers, it comes after Republican efforts…...

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You’ve Got Another Thing/Think Coming

“Well if you think X, you’ve got another thing coming!” I’ll say from time to time, and some other person will tell me “you’re saying it wrong!”. I decided to look it up, and found this wonderful explanation on the Forums, by a user who calls himself n0lqu, 299 comments in. *********** Having read the…...

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VIDEO: Gang Members Abduct and Sexually Assault Drunk Woman

A thirty three year old convenience store clerk from Chicago, by the name of Dana Holmes was driving home from a bar last month when a vehicle emerged behind her, driving erratically and flashing it’s lights. Rather than risk a collision with the dangerous driver, she pulled her car into a parking lot. Two men…...

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Governments Don’t Shut Down, They Just Stop Putting Out

In one of the most grandiose displays of political theater in nearly 20 years, the United States Federal Government has “shut down”, purportedly over a budget battle between the red and blue teams.  Of course, that doesn’t stop them from assassinating mothers, assaulting activists, defacing their own websites, collecting taxes, paying twitter propagandists, or traveling…...

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Militants Gun Down Mother In Front of Her Child

An unarmed, 34 year old dental hygienist by the name of Miriam Carey, from Stamford Connecticut, was murdered earlier today near the home of reputed mob boss Barack Obama. Dozens of bullets tore through her black two-door Infiniti, as she traveled with her toddler. Her body was so badly torn apart by the gunfire, that…...

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Where the US Goverment Put Silk Road’s $3,563,196.65 in Bitcoin

So, if you’ve been considering trying to hack Bitcoin, but were just waiting for a chance to become a hero and multimillionaire in the process, now’s your chance… It’s not quite enough to end the budget showdown, but it’s more than most of us will see in our lifetimes. The US Government has a bitcoin wallet,…...

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VIDEO: Government THUG Assaults & Robs Female FIJA Activist

While passing out jury nullification pamphlets for Adam Kokesh, outside DC Superior Court, in Washington DC, Government thug Richard Paris assaults and robs a peaceful, female, jury rights activist by the name of Josie Wales. The interaction was captured live on Josie’s UStream channel. Make sure to subscribe, she’s a great activist with a lot…...

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But, Who Will Cone The Roads?

This is what happens when you have a compulsory market, instead of trying to satisfy your customers more when you want more revenue, you punish them. Photo and story Courtesy of  Kristie McNealy via Facebook, Courtesy of the government shutdown, this was our view today when we did a drive by of Mt. Rushmore with out…...

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The Difference Between Drama & Discussion

It’s the constant thing people are always talking about amongst libertarians. Drama. On the one hand, people always complain about it, they claim not to want it, and they condemn people who participate in it. On the other hand, it gains the most attention, comments, likes, +1’s, retweets, and page views, of any content marketed…...

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Lucas Jewell STILL Hasn’t Relinquished Control of Adam Kokesh’s Facebook Page

Even after Adam recorded an audio message from jail demanding Lucas Jewell relinquish control of the Adam Kokesh Facebook page, to Adam’s current manager Jeff Phillips, Lucas still has not honored Adam’s wishes. At this point it’s pretty much beyond any debate as to Lucas’ intentions. He originally claimed to be maintaining control to protect…...

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