SurrealPolitiks S01E053 – Dead Air

SurrealPolitiks - Realpolitik in an Unreal World
SurrealPolitiks S01E053 - Dead Air

I’ve long said that radio is the medium of the Right. Left wing talk radio has never been successful because it is not a thinking man’s medium. You cannot blame Leftists for taking issue with that. It does not speak highly to their values or their competence. They think NPR is great and that we […]

SurrealPolitiks S01E052 – News & Phones

SurrealPolitiks - Realpolitik in an Unreal World
SurrealPolitiks S01E052 - News & Phones

Due to circumstances circumstances I won’t trouble the reader with today, I ended up doing an off schedule episode of SurrealPolitiks Sunday in our otherwise normal 9:30pm US Eastern time slot. Tonight we will do a quick appearance beginning at 9:30 anyway, just because I’m the hardest working guy in media and love you all […]

SurrealPolitiks S01E051 – AI Generated

SurrealPolitiks - Realpolitik in an Unreal World
SurrealPolitiks S01E051 - AI Generated

It would be cheating if I had an AI bot write scripts for this show and then pass them off as my own. It would also make me look like a moron because I am a much better writer than my AI bot, at least for now. But for today’s show, I am generating summaries […]

SurrealPolitiks S01E050 – Totally Unscripted II

SurrealPolitiks - Realpolitik in an Unreal World
SurrealPolitiks S01E050 - Totally Unscripted II

I’ve been enduring a fairly persistent writer’s block and as the hours tick by I am certain I’ll not be preparing a monologue before this evening. So tonight, it’s news and phones, maybe a little live OmeTV. SurrealPolitiks airs live every Monday at 9:30pm US Eastern on Rumble, and on Odysee, and on the GetMeRadio […]

SurrealPolitiks S01E049 – Totally Unscripted

SurrealPolitiks - Realpolitik in an Unreal World
SurrealPolitiks S01E049 - Totally Unscripted

I had sent out an email show teaser today with a snippet from a monologue I was in the process of preparing. Sparing the details, I was unable to complete that monologue before airtime, and to read it in part would have been to do it no justice. So today I went completely unscripted, touched […]

SurrealPolitiks S01E048 – In The Legal Weeds w/ Augustus Invictus

SurrealPolitiks - Realpolitik in an Unreal World
SurrealPolitiks S01E048 - In The Legal Weeds w/ Augustus Invictus

Augustus Invictus returns to the program to discuss a variety of issues. Mr. Invictus is an attorney operating out of Florida, and has become familiar with a courtroom in the capacity of a Defendant more than once. He is currently awaiting trial in Charlottesville, Virginia for these ridiculous “Burning to Intimidate” charges brought by a […]

SurrealPolitiks S01E047 – S Be You

SurrealPolitiks - Realpolitik in an Unreal World
SurrealPolitiks S01E047 - S Be You

It’s clearer than ever that what I’ve been saying about Ukraine is absolutely correct. We now have admission of this from none other than the New York Times, citing numerous named and unnamed sources in a lengthy piece title “The Spy War”, which was summarized also by ZeroHedge. According to the New York Times, during […]

SurrealPolitiks S01E046 – OmeTV Debut

SurrealPolitiks - Realpolitik in an Unreal World
SurrealPolitiks S01E046 - OmeTV Debut

Here I come to save the day! Well, not exactly, but I did what I could. Today I decided to give OmeTV, the apparent successor to Omegle, a shot. I recorded the session, and I’ll edit out the worthless segments to provide you with an enjoyable viewing experience this evening. I’ll begin the show live, […]

SurrealPolitiks S01E045 – Book It!

SurrealPolitiks - Realpolitik in an Unreal World
SurrealPolitiks S01E045 - Book It!

I am proud to announce that your favorite Podcaster has just published his first of what are sure to be many books! Most of you will be familiar with the text of the work published. It is the transcript of the monologue I titled “Beauty Revisited”. At a mere 26 pages, it is shorter than […]

SurrealPolitiks S01E044 – Foreseeable

SurrealPolitiks - Realpolitik in an Unreal World
SurrealPolitiks S01E044 - Foreseeable

Fox News is in full war propaganda mode, airing the worst of their “Senior Military Strategists” and the likes of Lindsay Graham in calls for the United States to make Word War III more or less official by attacking Iran. This comes on the heels of a drone strike on a US Military Base in […]

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