NYPD Officer Brian Moore – Just Another Dead Gun Grabber

Apparently, it’s a crime to adjust your belt in Queens now, because that’s why NYPD Officer Brian Moore approached Demetrius Blackwell on Saturday. It was just after 6pm on 212th Street in Queens Village. Moore and his partner, Erik Jansen, both “anti-crime” officers, were in an unmarked car with Officer Moore at the wheel near 104th Avenue when they approached…...

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An Open Letter to Baltimore Rioters

Police are a curious bunch of folks. There is little question as to what my fate would be, if I violently abducted a man off the streets and he died before I had released him. Collect a paycheck funded by coercive taxes, slap on a badge, and magically this behavior earns you a paid vacation…...

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Dead Cops Means Less Oppression

“When, then, does plunder stop? It stops when it becomes more painful and more dangerous than labor.” ~ Frédéric Bastiat In the wake of two NYPD Officers being gunned down in Brooklyn, the New York Post is reporting that traffic tickets and summonses for petty offenses are down 94%, arrests for drug offenses are down 84%,…...

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Violently Overthrow The Government

It is not impossible, impractical, or immoral to overthrow the government. The ideas of what a free society is, or ought to be, are pretty well established. Surely, there will need to be a great deal of outreach for more people to understand those ideas before they take hold, but the questions of defense, roads,…...

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