Never Date an NSA Agent…

This is hardly worthy of headlines, but, at least 12 NSA agents have been caught making unauthorized use of the agency’s spying apparatus. One of them as recently as 2011. Most of them, to spy on people they had, or desired romantic or sexual relationships with, according to an article in The Guardian. As if…...

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VIDEO: Founder Kicks Police Off Private Property

Ademo Freeman confronts a Laconia, NH Police Officer for trespassing on private property while “doing paperwork” (statist doublespeak for setting up a traffic trap). Ademo is a founder of, and currently works for Suns of Liberty Mint, a sponsor of this website…. This content is for Monthly Premium Membership and Yearly Premium Membership members...

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BREAKING: Senate Filibuster Is Just Politicians Talking

 UPDATE: 10:26am EST.   If you needed any further confirmation that this was all a show, Ted Cruz asked Harry Reid for time to “filibuster” and it was granted to him. This isn’t a filibuster, it’s not going to delay the vote by one nanosecond. This was just an up all night entertainment program for insomniac politicos…...

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The Open Carry March on Washington Was, And Still Is, A Great Idea.

Has any libertarian demonstration in modern history drawn more attention to itself than Adam Kokesh’s Open Carry March on Washington? Perhaps the Ron Paul campaign, but outside of electoral politics, I’d venture to say no. Granted, if you measure the quality of the attention by a simple count of people reacting positively or negatively, the…...

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Too Stupid To Take Seriously

The idea that the only people guaranteed to use their weapons against others, are also the only people who can be trusted with weapons, is too stupid to take seriously…. This content is for Monthly Premium Membership and Yearly Premium Membership members only.Join NowAlready a member? Log in here...

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The Government Has Eliminated Poverty

The world may now rejoice, poverty has ended, and coercion was the cure all along. You silly anarchists with your peaceful methods, ha! If that sounds ridiculous, congrats, you’re sane. But that’s the claim being made by Tim Worstall, in Forbes today, and he actually makes some interesting points. Last week the US Census released figures on…...

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The US Government Almost Nuked North Carolina

Some might accuse me of using hyperbole when I say that statism is the thing most likely to bring the human race to extinction. Granted, it sounds like a rather extreme thing to say, especially when it’s followed by a call to arms. On the other hand it recently came out that, when a B-52…...

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What exactly makes you think they give a shit about you?

Larken Rose recently released a video entitled “How They See You”. If you don’t have 15 minutes to spare to watch the video, let me save you some time. They see you as livestock, which is why they treat you as slaves, and they’ll stop doing so, only when doing so becomes so dangerous that they…...

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Against All Expectations, Fed Continues Easing as Dollar Hits 7 Month Low

In a 9-1 vote, the Federal Open Market Committee voted to continue the $85 Billion/month bond buying program some have called “QE4Ever”. The move came as a surprise to more than 2/3 of economists recently polled by the Wall Street Journal who expected Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s news conference today, to include an announcement of tapering…...

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How Would “X” Work in a Free Society?

People often ask how this or that function of society would work in the absence of the State. Of course, each of those questions has its own answers, but there are some underlying core ideas that can help you come to your own conclusions, and which would become rather repetitive if I outlined them every…...

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