To the members of the Free State Project’s board of directors, You surely recall an incident from last year when I was kicked out of your organization for advocating violence in an article titled “Concord Police, Go and Get Your Bearcat“. One of your board members contacted me, asking me to retract statements, under threat…...
Earlier this month, after being expelled from the Free State Project for writings they claimed “exceeded the limits of defensive force”, I challenged Stefan Molyneux to stand for the FSP in a debate on the use of force. After all, if what I said was so violent and dangerous, surely the best way to deal…...
How many times have you heard this? It makes me grind my teeth every single time. The self righteousness of it alone annoys me, but the factual inaccuracy is what really sets me off. I hear this all the time, whether it’s about the discussion of force, use of foul language, extreme examples, or whatever…...