You are quite welcome, Walter Block

I was delighted today to see that my “In Defense of Walter Block” episode of the Radical Agenda had come to the attention of Mr. Block himself. I discovered this as he thanked me through the contact form on my website. I just sent this reply, which I think is fit to be read by […]

A Brief History of TRS & The Radical Agenda

Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda
Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda
A Brief History of TRS & The Radical Agenda

During the November 29th SurrealPolitiks Member Chat, a listener brought up the relationship between myself and the fine folks over at This came in response to some discussion of their parting ways with a fellow by the name of Eric Striker. I made a token effort to avoid diving into the TRS/Striker conflict, and […]

National Review vs. Oliver Anthony

For those in the know, it would be repetitive that I say I try my best to be a good Republican. With rapacious Left wing predators fully in control of the apparatus, it is best we not work to undermine one another. Pity that those who fancy themselves our betters never seem to learn this […]

Watch Me Slap This Kid

I don’t often hit people, but when I do they tend to hit the ground like a sack of bricks. That’s what happened just outside the Free Talk Live Studio this weekend after I was invited to co-host an episode of Anarchy After Dark with Ian Freeman and Johnson Rice. The regular host of that…...

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Ian Freeman Kicked out of Free State Project

In April of 2012 I moved to New Hampshire, joining hundreds of other libertarians in a political migration commonly referred to as The Free State Project. There is a corporation one might consider to be at the head of this, known as the Free State Project, herein referred to as FSP inc. Differentiating between the political…...

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Mark Edge Leaves Free Talk Live

Free Talk Live is a nationally syndicated broadcast radio show which airs live from Keene, New Hampshire, the city I call home. The show purports to be centered around “spreading the ideas of liberty” and so for a time I took a great deal of pride and pleasure in being a co-host of the program…...

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An Equal And Opposite Reaction

Cantwell's Secret Stash An Equal And Opposite Reaction Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Duration: | Recorded on November 28, 2015If you have been paying any attention to...

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AUDIO: Angry Tranny’s Legal Threats

If you’ve ever visited the contact page here, you might have noticed I have a phone number listed. It’s just my Google Voice and it exists basically for the purpose of recording hateful messages from people who are so angry text just won’t do. I got some voicemails last night from a very angry transgendered…...

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I’m Worried About Antonio Buehler

Somebody who cares about Antonio Buehler’s well being should really try and reach him. His rhetoric is becoming increasingly violent. While there’s nothing wrong with that per se, I fear that this combined with his growing detachment from reality, and obsessions with race,  he may be seriously gearing up for martyrdom – suicide by cop style. His…...

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Radical Agenda EP032 – The Libertarian Bernie Madoff

Christopher Cantwell's Radical Agenda Radical Agenda EP032 - The Libertarian Bernie Madoff Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on September 8, 2015 | Download transcriptJeff Berwick – International man of mystery....

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