Police and Military Are The Same, Neither Protects Freedom

Yesterday I posted an article to the Cop Block Facebook page that was very anti military. I later removed the post due to overwhelmingly negative feedback from users. It was after all, sort of off topic for Cop Block. Still, it would seem that even those among us who have figured out that police are…...

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Man Shot For Camping? Not Exactly.

So, you’ve probably seen this video titled “Man Shot For Camping” or “Homeless man executed for camping“, if you haven’t I’ll embed it below. This has been showing up in all my social media streams, people are posting it as comments on totally unrelated threads, anything they can do to get this video seen by people…....

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What if the penalty was rape?

Propaganda leading up to the US invasion of Iraq spoke of rape rooms, where agents of the Iraqi government would rape a man’s wife in front of him in order to coerce him into giving information or otherwise punish him or gain his compliance. This, according to the United States government, was but one of…...

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UK Cop Promoted for Admitting He’s Mentally Ill

Inspector Wayne Goodwin of the Kent Police has struggled with depression and obsessive compulsive disorder for years, according to a story published by Express. He has hidden it for years, fearing the stigma would negatively effect his career, but after he decided to confide in a colleague, he realized lots of police are crazy, and…...

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Deputy Did Not Identify Himself Before Gunning Down 13 Year Old

Less than ten seconds had passed between the time Sheriff’s Deputy Erick Gelhaus reported seeing 13 year old Andy Lopez with a toy gun, and the time he fired 8 shots into the junior high school student. The incident happened so fast, that the deputy he was training hadn’t even exited the vehicle before 7 of…...

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