Facebook Considers TrigglyPuff’s Dating Profile Offensive

In Facebook’s never ending quest to cleanse the world of any and all things offensive, they have apparently started “auto-reporting” Facebook posts. A group I run on Facebook – the Radical Agenda Listeners group – has long been quite diligent about who we allow in so that we can avoid politically incorrect posts from being…...

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Radical Agenda EP007 – Heresy with Tom Woods

Cantwell's Secret Stash Radical Agenda EP007 - Heresy with Tom Woods Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on May 7, 2015 | Download transcriptTom Woods will be joining me...

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Jeffrey Tucker’s Case Against Libertarianism

Jeffrey Tucker Reduces Core Libertarian Ideals To “Brutalism” In the ongoing conflict between leftist infiltrators who want to redefine libertarianism, and purists who wish to stay on message, yet another high profile libertarian has ditched principle for popularity, and condemned principled action as racist, and misogynist. Jeffrey Tucker, publisher at Laissez Faire Books, and fellow at…...

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Facebook: “We reviewed your post and marked it as insensitive”

Here’s a new one. I just got a notification from Facebook that is not quoted anywhere on Google or in Facebook’s help section…. This content is for Monthly Premium Membership and Yearly Premium Membership members only.Join NowAlready a member? Log in here...

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When It Comes To Discrimination, Facebook Doesn’t Discriminate

I’ve got bad news for black racists and female sexists, you’re no longer safe. Once upon a time, it was only straight white men who had to be concerned about what they said about other groups, but it would seem that we are now part of this protected class that you may no longer talk…...

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