Tech Companies Demand Government Surveillance Continue

Laughable. That’s the single word that came to my mind as I read an article in the Atlantic titled “Google, Apple, and Microsoft Agree: NSA Spying Undermines Freedom”. Now, from their title, it sounds as if these companies were standing up for you, the user of their products and services. What actually transpired though, was…...

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Facebook Has Cancer

Don’t panic, it’s not contagious, but Facebook is terminally ill. Soon, Tom and Mark will be on bunk beds, in a one bedroom apartment, wondering how it all went wrong. That’s a bit exaggerated perhaps, Tom (Your first MySpace friend) is a multimillionaire, and we can expect Zuckerberg will never want for anything as long…...

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Anarchist Android App Audit: Security

Imagine a world where millions of people put their entire lives onto a hand held electronic device. A device that was constantly connected to a vast global computer network infested with government agents and other criminals, doing absolutely nothing to protect their data. It shouldn’t be too hard to imagine, because you live in that…...

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How To Encrypt Your Email & Other Communications

Across the globe, over 2 billion people are sending over 144 billion emails a day, and nearly every single one of those messages can easily be intercepted by someone other than the recipient. Even without the NSA spying on us, the insecurity of the protocol that makes up for so much human communication today, should…...

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Redistribute The Government Shutdown!

As previously reported, due to the government shutdown, national parks and monuments have been coned off, not so much as a money saving maneuver, but rather as a temper tantrum by government agents. Well, I got put onto this by my facebook friend Adam Brisebois, a national “Move the Cones” protest. The idea is simple…...

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Never Date an NSA Agent…

This is hardly worthy of headlines, but, at least 12 NSA agents have been caught making unauthorized use of the agency’s spying apparatus. One of them as recently as 2011. Most of them, to spy on people they had, or desired romantic or sexual relationships with, according to an article in The Guardian. As if…...

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