Liberalism & Men’s Rights

I just had quite the interesting interaction in the comments over at A Voice for Men. They recently put my “Rape Accusation Culture” article in their “Mega Featured” category on the front page, apparently overlooking a shot I took at the left. Here is the quote that caused the stir; It requires some ideological acrobatics, […]

VIDEO: Hooray! The Government Shutdown is Over!

Wow, just in time! I mean, it’s almost like they planned it this way or something. By the way, why didn’t Ted Cruz or Rand Paul do anything to stop this?… This content is for Monthly Premium Membership and Yearly Premium Membership members only.Join NowAlready a member? Log in here...

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World’s Largest Democracy Has Highest Slave Population

India, the world’s most populous democratic State, is also home to the highest population of slaves on planet Earth, according to The 2013 Global Slavery Index, published by Australia’s Walk Free Foundation. The United States ranks 134 out of a possible 162, with 162 being the least enslaved population. The report estimates that 29.8 million…...

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Starving Statists Turn To Charity As Their False God Fails Them

“Who would feed the poor?” You’ll often hear statists say, in discussions with anarchists. Rather than explain the total economic conditions that would change and make food cheap and abundant, it’s usually easier to tell them that private charity would step in. Statists of course scoff at the notion, surely without the coercion of taxation,…...

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VIDEO: Did My Last Post Make You Uncomfortable?

Gun control has preceded pretty much every genocide, ever. Gabby Giffords is a gun control advocate. These people don’t want to persuade us into disarming. They want to write on a piece of paper that it’s a crime for us to own them, and send men, who are ironically enough armed with guns, to break…...

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Gabby Giffords Begs for Another Bullet

Gabby Giffords, the former member of the US House of Representatives from Arizona’s 8th district, who made headlines in 2011 after surviving a well deserved gunshot wound to the head, traveled to upstate New York this past weekend, for a gun show. Giffords, whose unfortunate survival put her center stage in the gun control debate,…...

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Stupid, or Evil?

One great division amongst libertarians is about “conspiracy theories”. I hate to use that term, because while a lot of the things people like Alex Jones talk about are complete nonsense, the term “conspiracy theory” is used to dismiss an idea without considering it, and a lot of things commonly dismissed as “conspiracy theory” are…...

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Libya Perfectly Displays Absurdity of Statism

Besides perhaps Kim Jong Il, I’m not sure there ever was a dictator as obnoxious as Muammar Gaddafi. He took power in a Coup d’état, funded “revolutionary” groups all over the world, but of course, murdered anyone who dared to challenge his own power.  That of course is in addition to the ridiculous clothes, and the long…...

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Militarism Without The Money Is Not As Cool

At least 17 mercenaries of the United States Federal Government have lost their lives in their efforts to end others, since the partial “shutdown” of the government began just over a week ago. Normally, the families of the fallen killers are given what the cult refers to as a “death gratuity”, a quick hundred grand…...

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