Switching To Linux; How To Dual Boot

Yesterday I discussed why you might consider switching to Linux. Today, let’s get started. Most of us will still require Windows from time to time, especially when we’re first getting started. Unless you’ve got lots of computers laying around, that’s almost always going to require a dual boot system. My system dual boots, and in…...

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Switching To Linux: Why You Should Consider It

I switched my home desktop computer to Linux less than a week ago, and so far, I’m very happy with it. I’m planning to do a series of articles and videos about my switch, to make the conversion easier for you. For this article, I’m just going to go over some of the concepts and…...

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How To Gain Admin Access in Windows

Whether you lost your password, had a mischievous significant other change it on you, or just want to gain access to the computer that controls the prison gates, there comes a time in everyone’s life, when they need more access to the computer than they have at the moment.   So I was glad when…...

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