BuzzFeed's Adam Serwer Smears A Voice for Men Founder Paul Elam and Male Gender

BuzzFeed Smears Male Gender

BuzzFeed's Adam Serwer Smears A Voice for Men Founder Paul Elam and Male Gender
BuzzFeed’s Adam Serwer Smears A Voice for Men Founder Paul Elam and Male Gender

BuzzFeed’s Adam Serwer wrote a scathing smear piece against Paul Elam, the founder of A Voice for Men. If you take Serwer’s account of Elam’s life on its face without reading between the lines or checking facts, Elam comes off looking like a drug addled, irresponsible, womanizing, loser.

See Paul Elam’s response here.

And if that was all there was to it, I’d be happy to leave it at that. I’ve got my own issues with Paul Elam and A Voice for Men, so I’m not exactly anxious to stand up for them. I used to be a contributor there, before Paul’s leftist pals ran me out. I think the publication has rendered itself incapable of affecting change, in favor of money and popularity, by refusing to address the political implications of the issues they areĀ discussing. To avoid turning off readers and donors with varying political agendas, an AVfM contributorĀ can’t even mention the obvious fact that feminism is inextricably linked to left wing politics and collectivist ideology. This is quickly turning AVfM into feminism for men, an outlet for penis packing egalitarians and social justice warriors.

Especially since Paul describes himself as libertarian leaning, I say this makes his work less than honest. So if anybody wants to smear Paul Elam the person, have at it. I don’t care.Ā But that’s not what BuzzFeed did. They dishonestly attacked Elam’s name for the obvious purpose of discrediting the men’s rights movement as a whole, and with it, the male gender.

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