5 Reasons To Blame Feminism For Mass Shootings

The usual suspects have come under fire in the wake of a mass shooting that left 9 victims and the shooter dead at Umpqua Community College in Oregon. Guns, mental illness, racism, masculinity, religion – I already went over much of this in a previous article. In that piece I summed the problem up to…...

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Why Men’s Rights is Libertarian, and Feminism Isn’t

In a recent piece at Reason Magazine, Elizabeth Nolan Brown attempts to explain “Why So Many Men Who Hate Women Love Limited Government“. Unsurprisingly, given the author and publication, it is laced with feminist social justice warrior horseshit, smearing men who don’t think they should be demonized as a gender and thrown in prison for…...

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Feminists Silent on Kim Davis Rape Threats

Kim Davis, the clerk of Rowan County, Kentucky who was recently jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses recently told Fox News’s Todd Starnes that she had received numerous threats from gay marriage proponents, including threats of rape, arson, and murder. “They told my husband they were going to burn us down while we slept…...

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Tampons Are Patriarchal Oppression

What I find most shocking about the world, is that I still find things that manage to shock me. Particularly in the realm of human stupidity, and social justice warriors behaving like fools. I often find myself saying “Wow, that’s got to be the most retarded thing I’ve ever seen” only to have it topped…...

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Reddit Ruined By Feminist Cunt

The dominoes are falling rapidly in the social media world, as social justice warriors run roughshod over all things fun. Facebook has long been known for deleting posts and banning users whenever somebody gets pissy, no matter how inane the complaint. YouTube has banned numerous high profile channels. Twitter updated its abuse policies to curb…...

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Some Garbage Podcast EP033 – Rape Culture, Not Terrorism

Cantwell's Secret Stash Some Garbage Podcast EP033 - Rape Culture, Not Terrorism Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds 00:00 / Subscribe Share RSS Feed Share Link Embed Download file | Play in new window | Recorded on March 26, 2015 | Download transcriptWhat do you call it...

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Rape Culture Meets Race Pimps

This is a really terrible story of ignorance and hate, but I still find it funny in a way. The media has been drumming up hysteria about rape in India for a long time now. For over two years I keep seeing stories in my Google News feed about public demonstrations against rape in India, as…...

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BuzzFeed Smears Male Gender

BuzzFeed’s Adam Serwer wrote a scathing smear piece against Paul Elam, the founder of A Voice for Men. If you take Serwer’s account of Elam’s life on its face without reading between the lines or checking facts, Elam comes off looking like a drug addled, irresponsible, womanizing, loser. See Paul Elam’s response here. And if…...

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Liberalism & Men’s Rights

I just had quite the interesting interaction in the comments over at A Voice for Men. They recently put my “Rape Accusation Culture” article in their “Mega Featured” category on the front page, apparently overlooking a shot I took at the left. Here is the quote that caused the stir; It requires some ideological acrobatics, […]

Rape Accusation Culture

To hear some people tell it, there exists a culture where rape is socially acceptable. Not under some foreign “Islamo-fascist” regime in a land far far away, but right here in America. All over the world, really. It’s something of a conspiracy, perpetrated by the elusive patriarchy. A large, and growing number of radical ideologues are…...

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