Some Garbage Podcast EP030 - Cantwell is a Statist Sellout

Some Garbage Podcast EP030 – Cantwell is a Statist Sellout

Ha! Did you guys hear Cantwell sold out? Yeah, he went full on statist dude. Totally jumped the shark. He started off with those stupid “anarcho-lobbyist” videos begging his political masters for his freedom, then he joined the Libertarian Party. I always knew he was a fake anarchist. Fuck that guy.

Some Garbage Podcast EP030 - Cantwell is a Statist Sellout
Some Garbage Podcast EP030 – Cantwell is a Statist Sellout

Everybody knows that voting is violence. It’s just plain common sense that government is the problem, and thus cannot be the answer. We don’t even need to question this or come up with any alternative strategy, we just have to say it and it’s true. How this guy could lead people on like this for so long, and then join the enemy is sick. Next thing you know he’ll be running for office, but by his own standards he would have to kill himself if he did. Ha! I hope he does!

And of all things, the Libertarian Party? Blah! I got two words for ya pal, Bob Barr. Not to mention that underhanded smear they made about Ron Paul recently. That organization is totally unprincipled, so surely no principled libertarian should join their ranks and have any say in what they do.

I hear he’s actually going to do a podcast about it this Thursday from 5-7pm EDST. Which isn’t even his regular time slot. Haha! He’s so gung ho about becoming a statist sellout that he’s scheduling a special about it! What a loser! Let’s all call in and tell him how much he sucks. The number is 567-704-3182, or

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