Radical Agenda EP034 - Please Don't Kill Me

Radical Agenda EP034 – Please Don’t Kill Me

A gun free zone comes under fire. Surprise, surprise… Imagine that. Not that it matters, the liberal douchebag who got shot by the other liberal douchebag probably wouldn’t have been carrying even if he had the legal authority to. They were just banging the same chick and thought that could go on forever with no problems.

Radical Agenda EP034 - Please Don't Kill Me
Radical Agenda EP034 – Please Don’t Kill Me

No doubt guns will be blamed, but of course, liberal douchebaggery didn’t stop Vester Flanagan from gunning down his coworkers either. So I suppose we can expect this pattern of nonsensical behavior and subsequent legislation to continue unimpeded for all of human existence.

In other news, I agree with Barack Obama on political correctness. Quite the startling development. Planned Parenthood might commit their first and only act of decency by shutting down the federal government, but of course, it will be blamed on the Republican party.

The world is forced to choose between two religious fundamentalists, Feminists or Muslims? Both sound like a bad deal to me.

Speaking of feminists, they don’t care if Kim Davis gets raped.

Is IQ determined by race? Or environment? Perhaps we should stop acting like idiots and acknowledge that both play a role.

And, you know, whatever comes up in the headlines between now and showtime. Not to mention, your calls. Give us a call at 218-936-08115 or hit us up at Skype username Radical Agenda. join us this, and every Tuesday (and Thursday) from 5-7pm Eastern for the Radical Agenda, A show about common sense extremism where we talk about radical, crazy, off the wall things like, wearing shirts, and open dialogue.


Oh, and we fixed the audio only feed! You can listen on the TuneIn app! Got Roku? We’re on there too! Or add the raw stream to your favorite streaming app!

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