Bodies are still being counted after terrorist attacks rang out in Paris tonight, some stories have the death toll exceeding 120. I’ll let the news outlets sort out the details on what actually happened, but from the limited information available I can say this. Anybody who is acting surprised must have had their head in the sand for the last few months.
If I wanted to completely destroy a civilization, I could not have come up with a better formula than that which is being applied all over Europe, and increasingly being imposed on the United States. What politicians are doing to their own countries right now in Europe, is literally worse than what the United States did to Iraq and Afghanistan. At least those countries are beginning to recover, if Western Civilizations don’t get their heads on straight, we will not. If this is not an intentional effort to bring Western Civilization crashing to its extinction, then the kindest thing you can say about it, is that the people engaged in this are incredibly stupid.