Paris Attacks: What else did you expect?

Bodies are still being counted after terrorist attacks rang out in Paris tonight, some stories have the death toll exceeding 120. I’ll let the news outlets sort out the details on what actually happened, but from the limited information available I can say this. Anybody who is acting surprised must have had their head in…...

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5 Reasons To Blame Feminism For Mass Shootings

The usual suspects have come under fire in the wake of a mass shooting that left 9 victims and the shooter dead at Umpqua Community College in Oregon. Guns, mental illness, racism, masculinity, religion – I already went over much of this in a previous article. In that piece I summed the problem up to…...

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Dead Men Don’t Start Revolutions

The good news is, two cops are dead. The bad news is, the two shooters, and what appears to be an innocent bystander are dead too. Officer Alyn Beck, 42, and Officer Igor Soldo, 32, of the Las Vegas Metro Police were gunned down inside Cici’s Pizza while eating lunch. The shooters, one male, one…...

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#YesAllWomen is Complete Nonsense

In the last few days, ever since Elliot Rodger’s killing spree in California, media has been absolutely buzzing with hysterical propaganda against guns, men, and white people. Should you happen to be a white male gun owner, you might well be Satan himself according to some of these people. I’m torn between laughing at it,…...

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Elliot Rodger Is Liberalism Personified

Elliot Rodger sounds a lot more like a liberal to me, than a gun nut. In case you haven’t heard, there were a series of mass shootings in California last night. Seven people are dead, including the shooter, apparently there are another seven wounded, one critically. Peter Rodger, an assistant director for “The Hunger Games”…...

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Gun Owners, Take Down Your Flags

The American political paradigm is truly hysterical, and I say that as someone who grew up under it. Those who want the least from their government, and have the greatest reason to be angry with it, are the most patriotic people under it. Simultaneously, those most angry with their government, ask the most from it,…...

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The Nativity Scene, Starring Trayvon Martin as Baby Jesus

I’m all for blaspheme, but this makes me nauseous. The LA Times is reporting, that Claremont United Methodist Church in Claremont California, has constructed a nativity scene for the holidays, as many churches do. What differs from most nativity scenes, is instead of a baby Jesus, there will be a bloody gangster wannabe, slumped over in…...

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Leftists Celebrate The Death Of Mikhail Kalashnikov

Mikhail Kalashnikov, famed inventor of the AK-47 rifle is dead. We don’t yet have word on cause of death, except to say that it was of natural causes at the age of 94. The Kalashnikov is world’s most famous assault rifle. The AK came from the Russian word “avtomat” which meant automatic rifle, followed by…...

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New York City Moves Towards Gun Confiscation

The next time a politician says “We’re not going to take your guns away”, tell him “that’s what they said in New York”. The Truth About Guns posted a notice sent to a New York City resident, demanding he turn in his rifle. The notice, which reads “Immediately surrender your rifle and/or shotgun to your local…...

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At Least Paul Ciancia Wasn’t a Sheep

No innocent people were hurt when 23 year old Paul A. Ciancia opened fire on the rapists and pedophiles who wear the uniform of the Transportation Security Administration. The New Jersey native went to Los Angeles International Airport with a mission, to kill government agents who habitually assault, molest, kidnap, rob, and harass their fellow man…...

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